$399 for sure- if it gets made
I would expect about that much plus/minus $50.00. Really just hoping they make it.
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$399 for sure- if it gets made
You really have to be discerning with these bigger pieces for space and cost but this one is super impressive and worth having if they make it. I wonder if it's just for the con or if they are planning to make it. I didnt see a TBD tag on the display in any of the coverage. I wonder if an attendee could mayb ask a rep?..
As old as the movie is, as successful as it was, and as many comments as I've seen on Hot Toys postings asking for Vulture...I have a feeling he'l be released, possibly before the end of the year (preorder anyway)...My wife is already giving me the stink eye about where the heck I'm gonna put it...my answer is "in the box if needed in the beginning LOL"
I am making sure I get to keep all my hot toys when I have a prenup written up. F@kem
Doesn't look like a Keaton head sculpt would be included if they did release.
Don't get me wrong, I DEFINITELY wouldn't turn a Keaton sculpt down. Just that the absence of one wouldn't make me skip the figure. But for everybody else's sake I hope we get it.For me, the Vulture needs a Keaton sculpt in order for me to buy it.