Hot Toys - MMS125 Terminator 2: Judgment Day: 1/6 Scale T-1000 as Sarah Connor

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You know for a fact that I was excited about this figure. BUT now that I have more ref of the face and the hair, I see difficulties. And now that it has come time to cough up the cash, a decision has to be made. It's easy to preorder and fantasize about what could be. But based on what I'm seeing as of today, I'm leaning toward letting this go... and it hurts.


Wor-Gar is right, not much you can do to syle that plasticky hair, you would need rabbit fur hair or something similar, I know I have a Custom Bishop with real hair and you can manipulate that because it is natural... not this, it's like styling a Barbie, you can comb it, but not much else shape-wise.

That on top of the fact it is the wrong color. Way wrong, so, where does that leave some of us? Well for me the only thing I can see doing considering the sculpt is a cross between Nicole Kidman and Regan McNeil, is replace the head with a V1 and have someone like Seb root hair onto that head. Then you'll have a Sarah with real hair, decent sculpt and you can tie the hair in a ponytail or let it lay out.

The sculpt and hair on this figure is useless IMO.

Wor-Gar is right, not much you can do to syle that plasticky hair, you would need rabbit fur hair or something similar, I know I have a Custom Bishop with real hair and you can manipulate that because it is natural... not this, it's like styling a Barbie, you can comb it, but not much else shape-wise.

That on top of the fact it is the wrong color. Way wrong, so, where does that leave some of us? Well for me the only thing I can see doing considering the sculpt is a cross between Nicole Kidman and Regan McNeil, is replace the head with a V1 and have someone like Seb root hair onto that head. Then you'll have a Sarah with real hair, decent sculpt and you can tie the hair in a ponytail or let it lay out.

The sculpt and hair on this figure is useless IMO.

I agree Broseph. HT's could of done so much better. It does look like nicole kidman.:lol
Sean, maybe you should ask someone who has the HT female body figure how pliable or workable the hair is. Sarah's hair looks a lot like their female nude figures.
I think this figure looks way way worse then the first version and i am glad i bought the first and not this, i can live with out the T-1000 headsculpt.
Could the tint in the hair have something to do with being in the steel mill? the lighting there could have given it a more reddish look and HT have replicated this?

Just a thought, but i like the figure and will make it final battle Sarah.
Actually, i think her sister is a bit more attractive, in this pic at least.


She is, its because she's not all muscle man ripped. WOnder how they compare today cause Linda looks like she could be found in a Senior Citizen home.:monkey3:monkey1
Well, if I saw the demand that was conveyed here, I'd have done what they did to try and be nice to everyone and make it more available, I didn't think all the people expressing interest weren't serious about the figure but seems like maybe they weren't. Oh well, it's a gamble, I'm able to get 2 of them, I'm happy.

If you don't have all the Sarah, T-800's, T-1000's and every Terminator HT makes within the next years you are NOT a Terminator fan and aren't worthy.

Please leave the A&R section stage right.
What confuses me is, these latest shots look about same as the proto, maybe even better because of the nice hair color, but everyone's suddenly jumping ship when it seemed like everyone was fighting to get in orders for this. Maybe the expected challenge of getting an order had people more hyped to get it than they really felt towards the figure.

I don't know. When it was an Ex of some type, I wanted to get one or two (if I was lucky and the price wasn't too over-the-top). Now, I got two on PO and plan on keeping them. I think the hair might take some effort, but I also know that I've been completely floored when seeing these in person. In a way, I almost expect a pleasant surprise. Plus, the T2 stuff is a dream come true - one of the few franchises I can think of that hasn't really been touched on in this form that I would "auto-buy".

Although, I will say that some of my other hobbies have been alittle slow lately, so that might contribute to my decision; from a financial standpoint.
Hmmmmmmm well can I be a poopie head then?


I don't know. When it was an Ex of some type, I wanted to get one or two (if I was lucky and the price wasn't too over-the-top). Now, I got two on PO and plan on keeping them. I think the hair might take some effort, but I also know that I've been completely floored when seeing these in person. In a way, I almost expect a pleasant surprise. Plus, the T2 stuff is a dream come true - one of the few franchises I can think of that hasn't really been touched on in this form that I would "auto-buy".

Although, I will say that some of my other hobbies have been alittle slow lately, so that might contribute to my decision; from a financial standpoint.

:exactly::exactly::exactly: until the BOLD point.

Sell your soul if you have to in order to get HT Terminator figures.