Hot Toys - MMS125 Terminator 2: Judgment Day: 1/6 Scale T-1000 as Sarah Connor

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Ski less time with the scissors more time under the bar, you're losing peaks!

Nah I just got done with chest and bi's today, actually did a lil basketball with a buddy of mine as well, it's been years since I played... HS and college. :lecture

I'm still sweaty and it's 100 degrees here in Missouri.

Weight lifting and doll hair styling FTW :rock :lol

U know it, better to be a master of all traits, sewing my Nemsis Enforcer GI JOE outfit (yes I said it, outfit :lol) custom from scratch as we speak tonight :rock

I did Scarlet the same way, if there's nothing out there on the market to help with a custom you have to MAKE IT URSELF :exactly:
No, I get that you support me, I was just trying to make it clear to SKi and everyone else who might misinterpret me as criticizing your photo that my comments were regarding the reality of what the figure is like on your shelf compared to how a photo can present it.

I really enjoy your photos, they give me a lot of a hope about what I'll be able to do with this figure, keep it up.
I enjoy them as well and I kid with Maul all the time, so I think you misunderstood my joking for maybe a childish act.

No I'm not a kid and you have balls, bring it. YES I'm calling YOU OUT to the ring.
Nah, ski I wasn't talking about you. I knew you were ____ing with maul. I was referring to maul's comment about people not being able tell that the figure isn't going to look like my pic out of the box.

Nah, ski I wasn't talking about you. I knew you were ____ing with maul. I was referring to maul's comment about people not being able tell that the figure isn't going to look like my pic out of the box.

Coolio, I kind of figured, all good :rock

Here's my Friday day/night!!!!!

DAYTIME: wake up 10 egg whites, grapefruit, veggies, almonds
:WFM, work from home, turn on the laptop and monitor my code and logs to make sure everything is running efficiently.
:continue to eat 5 more meals until gym time...

DEADLIFT: 495lbs

DOMINOS: maybe cheat since I've been eating good all week or go out with the wife for dinner.

SIDESHOW: start styling session with Sarah

TV: watch Ghost Adventures and laugh at Zack.

Man..... this is gonna be a busy night :thud:

Make me some blue overalls for Michael Myers! You don't have enough on your plate!

When were any? nearly all I've had I had to futz them severely.
that was my point. I think Maul is not giving people enough credit that they can think for themselves and realize that out of the box it is what it is. Which, to me, is a good figure but with the right attention it can be fantastic.
that was my point. I think Maul is not giving people enough credit that they can think for themselves and realize that out of the box it is what it is. Which, to me, is a good figure but with the right attention it can be fantastic.

People were commenting about this photo as though you'd done some amazing customization of the hair to improve the figure.


We've yet to see anyone customize the hair and show us a "on the shelf" type view of it to show us whether the figure can look good in hand as well as photos.

Sometimes it does seem like people get so excited by a nicely shot photograph that they don't stop to think that what they're looking at is a nice photograph but not necessarily a nice figure.
People were commenting about this photo as though you'd done some amazing customization of the hair to improve the figure.


We've yet to see anyone customize the hair and show us a "on the shelf" type view of it to show us whether the figure can look good in hand as well as photos.

Sometimes it does seem like people get so excited by a nicely shot photograph that they don't stop to think that what they're looking at is a nice photograph but not necessarily a nice figure.

I hear you. But I think that's been the problem with people lately. They don't think and if they don't think there really isn't much one can do. It's like those car ads. They show this nicely equipped car. At the end of the ad they tell you models starting at only 18k. You better not expect the car in the ad for 18k.
I hear you. But I think that's been the problem with people lately. They don't think and if they don't think there really isn't much one can do. It's like those car ads. They show this nicely equipped car. At the end of the ad they tell you models starting at only 18k. You better not expect the car in the ad for 18k.

Well yea, it is buyer beware.

By the way, I hope you don't think I'm criticizing you for taking photos that elevate the look of the figure, because I'm not trying to do that, I appreciate what you're doing, you're doing a great job of working the figure to pull off some really nice effects in the shots.
Well yea, it is buyer beware.

By the way, I hope you don't think I'm criticizing you for taking photos that elevate the look of the figure, because I'm not trying to do that, I appreciate what you're doing, you're doing a great job of working the figure to pull off some really nice effects in the shots.

Naw, man. We're good. I know you're fighting the good fight. As I get older I'll help as much as possible, but I've come to the realization you can't help everyone. Like I stated earlier I posted two types of pics. One out of the box and one with some lighting. With the exception of one person no one has mentioned the out of the box pics. People will see what they want to see. Some will be pissed they bought the figure. I like you bought this figure because I felt it had potential. We both seem to know that it isn't perfect out of the box. If someone can't see that then they must of just started collecting this very second.

As far as the pic, it's your ____ing fault I'm trying to get better at taking pictures. You and your creative ass taking these freaking impossible to recreate shots.:gah::)

Whenever I see the actual out of the box hair I feel like I am watching one of those hairproduct ads... the hair just looks way too clean, healthy and shiny
I have to say, since I've got into 1/6th collecting last year and been following the HT Iron Man 2 Black Widow and T2 T-1000 as Sarah Connor threads (I have both of them on pre-order), I've never seen such an intense and sometimes amusing discussion about rooted hair on a figure. :D I own six rooted hair figures (Triad Lola, Takara CG Deunan, Hot Toys Planet of the Apes, and Takara CG-13 V.I.S.) and welcome the addition of two more. I'm glad there are others who appreciate some variety in their figures. Depending on the figure, rooted hair can give some "character" to a figure.
People were commenting about this photo as though you'd done some amazing customization of the hair to improve the figure.


We've yet to see anyone customize the hair and show us a "on the shelf" type view of it to show us whether the figure can look good in hand as well as photos.

Sometimes it does seem like people get so excited by a nicely shot photograph that they don't stop to think that what they're looking at is a nice photograph but not necessarily a nice figure.

That seems to be a catch 22 then. There's been stellar figures that looked crud:

1, Poorly futzed, stupid stance displayed and photographed.

2, Maybe somewhat decently futzed but botched with poor photography like an overexposed flash and everything is bleached or terribly grainy/blurry photos that you can barely make out details.

First impressions are everything doesn't matter what it is in life.

However, that photo above is. :yess: I love how he has a achieved a cinematic look with it.

I have to say, since I've got into 1/6th collecting last year and been following the HT Iron Man 2 Black Widow and T2 T-1000 as Sarah Connor threads (I have both of them on pre-order), I've never seen such an intense and sometimes amusing discussion about rooted hair on a figure. :D I own six rooted hair figures (Triad Lola, Takara CG Deunan, Hot Toys Planet of the Apes, and Takara CG-13 V.I.S.) and welcome the addition of two more. I'm glad there are others who appreciate some variety in their figures. Depending on the figure, rooted hair can give some "character" to a figure.

It wasn't so much rooted hair was the issue. The sculpts were quite hideous when fully revealed with bleached photos. Between the look of Barbie and a she-male with braces the scales were tipped.