Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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This is going to be expensive, $200 may be ?? :slap

Ok guys, lets talk about the official HK prices:

- Retail price: HKD $1280 = 164.639 USD
- Preorder price: HKD $1250
- VIP Price: HKD $1152

(From Toyworld forum)

However the US retail price for SIDESHOW will be higher... as always
My bet: 179,99 USD :wink1:

my local dealers are selling these for $175USD.
P1 isn't correctly in scale with Dutch and if the T-800 is accurately scaled then he is standing at the same height as the P1 and that's just completely wrong. Hot Toys humped the bunk on P1 plain and simple. :mad:

I think it's already been addressed that the T-800 isn't accurately scaled.
Predator 1 is short, but this is most definately the tallest Predator yet.

EDIT: Bigger pic. It's also a bit tricky to estimate the correct size because the Classic Pred is in a different pose then P1, but I think the size comparison with Elder is fairly accurate.


'Bout time we get a more accurately scaled Pred. The funny thing is the actors in the costumes in the new movie are shorter than the previous actors. The new guys range from 6'5" to 6'7½" and the previous Preds were guys standing well over 7' tall.
It looks like the new Preds are going to have the silicone torso, which is very nice. The new joint are being used too, so we won't have the gaping exposed joints like before.
Can´t believe how big this pieceis.
It´ll stand toe to toe with the T-600, damn huge.

And you gotta love the bio mask and now I need a P1 too.
This comparison shot is frikkin´ insane...
It looks like the new Preds are going to have the silicone torso, which is very nice. The new joint are being used too, so we won't have the gaping exposed joints like before.

I think that's one of the biggest selling point for those of us who normally stayed away from these type of figures before. It definitely closes the "toy" gap of these high end collectibles.
I think I'm sold on this even if HT releases the Classic Pred. I told myself I wasn't gonna get this, then I said I'd only get this if HT didn't release the Classic Pred anytime soon but goddamnit I'm just too weak. I think I'll be getting this and the Classic Pred (assuming of course they make one).
Predator 1 is short, but this is most definately the tallest Predator yet.

EDIT: Bigger pic. It's also a bit tricky to estimate the correct size because the Classic Pred is in a different pose then P1, but I think the size comparison with Elder is fairly accurate.


Judging by this pic (More Pics Here):


And comparing the stand (which is standard) to my own HT Predators (P2 and Wolf) Berserker looks the same size. So iunno.
Are all the new Preds from the new film around the same height? If so can we expect HT's Tracker and Falconer to be the same height as Berserker?

I hope there's at least a little difference in height, for variety.