Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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Are all the new Preds from the new film around the same height? If so can we expect HT's Tracker and Falconer to be the same height as Berserker?

I hope there's at least a little difference in height, for variety.

I think the three new predators are the same species, so they're probably the same height. The other predator is the same species as "classic" predator and will probably be the same size as that one, if it's made.
I have to be honest - I actually think the hot toys beserker predator looks better than the one in the movie.

Especially with his mask off. I thought the one in the movie looked really dumb with how far out his lower mandibles out-stretched. It just seemed a little ridiculous and reminded me of the crazy zombies in resident evil or the vampire mutants in Blade 2.

Considering picking this one up.
Yeah, if I was in Canada, this'd be a no-brainer. However, I live right above SSC here in the States, so fastest arrival and cheapest shipping would be here.

But hey, if Toys2 has the PO up (along with Razor's Edge), then we should get more over the next few days, I'd think.
when is this figure exactly coming out? im
really looking for a good source of info for when figures from
HT are coming out thanks guys

Yeah, if I was in Canada, this'd be a no-brainer. However, I live right above SSC here in the States, so fastest arrival and cheapest shipping would be here.

But hey, if Toys2 has the PO up (along with Razor's Edge), then we should get more over the next few days, I'd think.

BBTS just put it up on their site
lol, anytime now Sideshow... :D :pray:

$200!? Lordy, Toys2 is cheaper than that. I'll wait until SSC puts him up for sure.