Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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I am normally pretty good at sourcing the origins of rumors, but I can't seem to figure out why people think that a "classic" predator will be released.

Any ideas?
I am normally pretty good at sourcing the origins of rumors, but I can't seem to figure out why people think that a "classic" predator will be released.

Any ideas?

Maybe it was because of that marketing picture of Berserker standing next to Classic Pred. I do not think they will release a Classic Pred though.
You never know, if it's demanded by the fans they might pull a fast one on us. Some people that have the P1 probably won't want this one to come out. I can't recall which thread or was it this one that had some people wondering if it does come out, will the value of the P1 go down. I don't think it should since it's 2 different figures but they look similar.
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I am normally pretty good at sourcing the origins of rumors, but I can't seem to figure out why people think that a "classic" predator will be released.

Any ideas?

Someone translated a Milk magazine article where HT said they plan on making the Classic and Tracker Predators. Who knows though? I'm sure Tracker is a given but I'm quite suprised we haven't at least got so much as a teaser from HT on either yet other than that translated Milk article.
The wait on this figure is killing me:medic I really cant wait to get this figure, for it will be my first hot toys predator figure( I have the elder predator on throne but i guess that doesn't count:))
Someone translated a Milk magazine article where HT said they plan on making the Classic and Tracker Predators. Who knows though? I'm sure Tracker is a given but I'm quite suprised we haven't at least got so much as a teaser from HT on either yet other than that translated Milk article.

Maybe it was because of that marketing picture of Berserker standing next to Classic Pred. I do not think they will release a Classic Pred though.

This MILK magazine has created allot of rumors as of recent. I will be very curious to see if any of them come through over the next year. I guess it is possible to make a classic pred with the new style body. Only time will tell I guess...
I just preorder this item i just hope it is not too late