Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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I might cancel. I do however like Royce and the Falconer. Falconer will probably end up the same size but if we're to believe that concept pic posted previously he's not supposed to be a giant like Berserker - add to that his head looks more proportional.. if we can believe the prototype pics.

A Hot Toys Predators collection with just Royce and Falconer though...:gah:

It's funny to me Falconer was the most bobble headed looking of all the new Preds and his head is still too small as well imho. Also he's wearing his bio so that also help his noggin look more proportional. Berserker doesn't look as bad with the bio on either. Still noticibly too small but not as bad.
I'm still undecided about whether to get this. On the one hand, I have no other HT Preds so he'd look fine on his own or next to my other 1/6 figures. Plus the figure itself is really nice (despite the inaccurate sized and sculpted head and bio) and HT Preds allways go up in value and I predict this one will be no different not and like I said, this would be my first HT Pred and that is also a plus and the lack of accessories and shorter height while a bummer don't really bother me as much as it should as there arn't very many accessories for him to come with plus his shorter height is technically screen accurate. On the other hand, the inaccurate head and bio mentioned does really bother me especially since HT had ample time to correct it but chose not to. Plus the $200 price tag (I know it's cheaper a few places but still) on a figure without as many accesories (I know I said there really wern't many accessories to give him as it is but you get what I mean) and as inaccurate as this is unjustified imo. Even if just the head and bio themselves were molded bigger and had no sculpt changes I'd still bes satisfied.

It's funny, this morning I was feeling good, lookingf at OMG's pics thinking this isn't too bad but then I watched Preds again and then started thinking about inaccuracies this figure has was like a slap in the face. I am neither an apologist or defender of HT. I love most of HT's products and they are without a doubt the king of the 1/6 jungle but when they release a product that is not up to standard (at least not mine) I'm gonna voice my opinion...... over and over and over and over and over and over and over again :lol

:goodpost: I paid in advance so I am 'stuck' even if I wanted to cancel but I am a mixed bag. OMG's pics definitely bring out the best in the figure however, it isn't the 'bill of good' I ordered.

I am not an ultra Predator fan therefore, I cannot point out all the inaccuracies beyond the one big glaring disappointment. It was depicted as a beast in the proto but clearly it fell a little short :(

Tho I can say I am disappointed the production piece didn't live up to expectations it isn't the worst figure produced either. He will still tower over Royce which will have to be good enough.
I'm not apologizing for Hot Toys, I'm simply stating what I believe to be a benefit to those who want "film accuracy" - the Berserker was never in the film the "Super" Predator that he was made out to be by Hot Toys in action figure form, and, as such, film accuracy fans should be thankful he's properly done and realistically in-scale with Royce.

Yup, Hot Toys screwed up on showing promo pics of the Berserker next to the Classic Pred since it now seems they aren't delivering on that. For those who pre-ordered and put down money on a production figure of which you'd not seen actual production photos, I feel sorry for you. Again, another reason why pre-orders aren't as healthy as everyone seems to think they are. Bummer.

What makes me cringe (and laugh) is so many folks are complaining about this and yet they'll still buy the figure. So you see, it's not me - the supposed "apologetic" fan who isn't going to buy it anyhow - who is truly promoting this sort of issue; it's YOU, the fan who doesn't like it and will still buy it, that's truly promoting this and other "slight" variations to occur.

Were I a fan dead set on getting a "Super" Predator, I'd be pissed about this whole thing as well, but personally, I'm not as I think it looks great anyhow. I still think the production release is more film accurate and, as such, is what needs to be recognized. If Royce was suddenly made 14" tall, everyone would be saying how he's not film accurate, so I can't believe after having seen the film, everyone was OK to accept a ludicrously, ridiculously over-tall Berserker in the first place...maybe everyone was just so star struck with the sheer awesomeness of a 15" tall Predator that they didn't think "is that really film accurate?"
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First, I'm not apologizing for Hot Toys, I'm simply stating what I believe to be a benefit to those who want "film accuracy" - the Berserker was never in the film the "Super" Predator that he was made out to be by Hot Toys and, as such, film accuracy fans should be thankful he's properly done.

Yup, Hot Toys screwed up on showing promo pics of the Berserker next to the Classic Pred since it seems now they aren't delivering on that. Bummer. I don't personally collect the Predators, so it doesn't really matter to me.

What makes me cringe (and laugh) is so many folks are complaining about this and yet they'll still buy the you see, it's not me, the apologetic fan who isn't going to buy it anyhow, who is truly promoting this; it's YOU, the fan who doesn't like it and will still buy it anyhow, that's truly promoting this and other "slight" variations to occur.

Were I a fan dead set on getting a "Super" Predator, I'd be pissed too...but personally, I'm not and I don't care. And as long as the riots stay isolated to China and foreign lands, I won't have anything to worry about...

That said, I still think the production release is more film accurate and, as such, is what needs to be recognized. If Royce was suddenly made 14" tall, you'd all be having a hey day complaining and accuracy folks, film accuracy...

Film accuracy means his head and bio should be bigger and dreads longer :lecture:lol
yup - agreed. His mandible fix was good, but he should have longer dreads and head should be slightly bigger, though not much - his dome isn't nearly as big compared to his body as the other older preds are...but you are right there.

Who knows how things get passed over and considered for updates - I love the fact Hot Toys updated the War Machine proto to include the white chest light, ex-wife launcher, and ammo feeder, but they also should have considered War Machine never even shows a rocket launcher as the figure features. Do I care? Nope - love the figure even more with it...even if it wasn't featured in the film...

Again, who knows which things get picked to change and which get looked over...though I'm guessing it has to do with cost since the ultimate goal of any business is to make money (which they can't do if they piss off their fans who buy their product, but that's another conversation for another time).
I'm not apologizing for Hot Toys, I'm simply stating what I believe to be a benefit to those who want "film accuracy" - the Berserker was never in the film the "Super" Predator that he was made out to be by Hot Toys in action figure form, and, as such, film accuracy fans should be thankful he's properly done and realistically in-scale with Royce.

Yup, Hot Toys screwed up on showing promo pics of the Berserker next to the Classic Pred since it now seems they aren't delivering on that. For those who pre-ordered and put down money on a production figure of which you'd not seen actual production photos, I feel sorry for you. Again, another reason why pre-orders aren't as healthy as everyone seems to think they are. Bummer.

What makes me cringe (and laugh) is so many folks are complaining about this and yet they'll still buy the figure. So you see, it's not me - the supposed "apologetic" fan who isn't going to buy it anyhow - who is truly promoting this sort of issue; it's YOU, the fan who doesn't like it and will still buy it, that's truly promoting this and other "slight" variations to occur.

Were I a fan dead set on getting a "Super" Predator, I'd be pissed about this whole thing as well, but personally, I'm not as I think it looks great anyhow. I still think the production release is more film accurate and, as such, is what needs to be recognized. If Royce was suddenly made 14" tall, everyone would be saying how he's not film accurate, so I can't believe after having seen the film, everyone was OK to accept a ludicrously, ridiculously over-tall Berserker in the first place...maybe everyone was just so star struck with the sheer awesomeness of a 15" tall Predator that they didn't think "is that really film accurate?"

I sort of agree with the "I'm still getting part". That'll just leave a message to HT that whatever f@ck-up they do, their products will still be lapped up and that we, the consumers, are their ______es. But, it's not like some people have a choice. Hot Toys is the only player in town, unfortunately. Seems to me that HT's success is getting way over their heads. That's why I wish another company pisses on their territory. It's never good for us consumers if a company doesn't have any serious competition. While I personally can't back out of my order, I definitely won't get Falconer if HT doesn't adjust the price.

BTW, from what I heard regarding WM, they're making some adjustments for the second batch based on some complaints from the first batch. Not sure what adjustments those are, but they say it's the reason why international release batches are delayed to the end of Nov. This is just from the grapevine, so I really can't say whether it's true or not.

Film accuracy means his head and bio should be bigger and dreads longer :lecture:lol


Their final product is NOT film accurate, to say the least.
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I was a big complainer about the Big Chap Alien and I didn't buy it - a figure I had fully intended to buy till I saw it. I've never regretted that decision.

I'm still undecided on this one. The height accuracy argument is on my mind that could maybe see me keeping my order but on the other hand I can't help but feel that its just an after-the-fact attempt to rationalise not getting what we were supposed to get.
I'm gonna take a wait and see approach with this one. The height is enough for me personally and even the head size isnt a major issue but the shape and the dread length do bother me. Leaving the bio on is an option but even that still leaves the annoyingly short dreads....

Definitely a wait and see, but veering towards a pass. Which is annoying after such a long wait...
Maybe Royce will decide for me. If, as I hope, I have him tomorrow his coolness might persuade me to go completist on this line and take it in the a$$ from Hot Toys :lol :rolleyes2

I passed on the Alien because I really took it as an insult that despite all the years that film has existed and all the referance material there is they decided to just make it up and give it only the most basic resemblance to the creature in the film - I mean this was the BIG one for a lot of people and they pretty much didn't give a ___k - even laughably calling it 'accurate' in one quote that I can't completely remember or recall the source. I decided I'd bought enough of their phoned-in Aliens (warrior, AvP:R and Dog) and wasn't interested in yet another half-a$$ed effort.

With Berserker again theres a matter of principle over the height thing but he does still look cool. And not being quite as attached to him as the original Alien one finds a few innaccuracies in his case easier to tolerate.

Unfortunately its a tough one.
This kind of thing could end up in court, I mean it sounds crazy (believe me, I know), but that's exactly what this plays down to.

In the UK at least, all the seller is obliged to do is refund your money on return of the product in a reasonable time period (Distance Selling regulations et al).

If you PO'd and paid full in advance from a seller who will not provide a refund, and sits outside consumer regulations... well, more fool you really. If you'd ordered from a mainstream retailer like Sideshow or Forbidden Planet, there would be no such problem.
not economically viable you say?

i'm still ahving breakfast, lunch and dinner at whammyburger. :lol

Wasnt the original John Connor out in HK before they changed the HS? Doesnt that leave some small chance of a recall or at least a 2nd HS being sent out to PO folks?

Could be wrong of course just thinking typing aloud...oh forget it :)
If it's true that they send them out in batches, they should just increase the length in the dreads and leave it.
Exactly, that would be enough for me.

I ended up deciding to pass on War Machine because of a minor hiccup with the decals on the armor (I just think they kinda break up the slightly dull colouring) and I really dont want to pass on this too because of something thats easily fixed...
as I have said to me the biggest problem was not the resize overall height, but the size of the head, is the only predator big head and they do microcephalic

and then the physical features of the face softened in disney style (much more like the NECA)

if I had done the pre-order for berserker HT (I did not and I will not) rather to obtain size as in the promotional photos I wish the entire head was sculpted from scratch
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Wasnt the original John Connor out in HK before they changed the HS? Doesnt that leave some small chance of a recall or at least a 2nd HS being sent out to PO folks?

It was a revision to the paint, the sculpt and 'physical' figure remained unchanged.