Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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@fosing: Couldn't have said it better myself. Even though I love these new designs... HT did kind of pull a fast one here. They may be sorry and something may have happened during production, but for $200, if they were aware of it (which they were), I'd expect them to fix it. Sculpt accuracy, well it started kind of 'off' from the beginning. But promising us a bigger Pred and using it as a selling point, then charging 200 squids, and not delivering? That's on them 100%.

This is what people were shown as a prototype of the Beserker. True, this is a promotional picture for Hot Toys, but anyone who's ever seen a picture of a prototype knows there can and probably will be changes made to the final product.

If people used the above image as their own personal "selling point," and thought the Beserker would look exactly like this, they obviously didn't read the fine print at the bottom of the picture. They spell it out for you: the final product *might* not look like the prototype...and yet folks still complain when it doesn't. Wow.

Look at the size of the Berserker in the film. In the movie, the Berserker isn't really that much taller than the Classic Pred and after having rewatched Predators again, I'd say OMG's picture showing the Berserker next to Royce are pretty darn close to the right scale.

No, I'm sorry but you're wrong.

When has Hot Toys ever before included in the photo-releases of a new predator a comparison shot between the new Predator and an older one where the explicit intention is to demonstrate a significant height differential? When have they ever before bothered to explicitly state "realistic and accurate" 1/6th scale? I don't believe they ever have. They really made a point out of this to attract buyers who had previously been complaining about the P1's shortness.

If the headsculpt is changed or small finer details elsewhere aren't exactly like they are on the prototype well then everyone knows to expect that may be the case and since no specific notations are made in the photos or in the specs we have no reason to complain, at least not en masse - some people might have objections to changes but no one cries "false advertising" in those cases.

However in this case we can clearly see the figure shrank to being barely any larger than the P1. Thats not what we were offered and I don't agree that it falls into the realms of "final product may differ slightly".
somebody's probably already posted this but i'm a lazy ____ who won't read back.... this is what HT said in their newsletter when they announced this:

Highlighting him are the newly sculpted and painted head and body armory, which is finely crafted by our sculptor Joseph Tsang! This "black" tribe Predator also stands taller with accurate 1/6th scale, so he can battle against the previous "classic" Predators more aggressively.

predators plural implies all of their previous offerings, not just the P1. seems pretty obvious to me it was a selling point.
oh god, get over it. either buy it or dont buy it.

I for one will be buying it, i like the design and even if he is a smidge shorter its not the end of the world.

:exactly: The cry babies are at it BIG TIME! :slap Remind me to shoot myself if I ever get this upset over toys :rolleyes:
remind me to shoot myself if i ever get this upset over people getting upset over toys :lol

hell, i still like it. if i'd liked the movie at all the height thing wouldn't stop me buying it. but i can't deny the fact that people who bought this mainly coz they liked the idea of a huge _____ pred seem to have a legitimate complaint this time. false advertising sucks.
:exactly: The cry babies are at it BIG TIME! :slap Remind me to shoot myself if I ever get this upset over toys :rolleyes:
You're absolutely right. We should just be happy with whatever the hell they give us, even if it's nothing like what we ordered. I mean, come on, they're just $200 toys.. Everyone. Let's pray that God will forgive us for being upset about being scammed.

Honestly, the sad thing is that you're taking the time to cry over the "Cry Babies". Pity the ignorant.. :pray:
remind me to shoot myself if i ever get this upset over people getting upset over toys :lol

hell, i still like it. if i'd liked the movie at all the height thing wouldn't stop me buying it. but i can't deny the fact that people who bought this mainly coz they liked the idea of a huge _____ pred seem to have a legitimate complaint this time. false advertising sucks.

:lol I'm more amused and bemused than upset :dunno ... I am sorry for the guys who were hoping for a giant but I think some of the venom directed at Hot Toys is a bit uncalled for but that's a typical Hot Toys thread for you.
Yeah he's suspiciously short, but life goes on right?! It still looks amazing imo
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You're absolutely right. We should just be happy with whatever the hell they give us, even if it's nothing like what we ordered. I mean, come on, they're just $200 toys.. Everyone. Let's pray that God will forgive us for being upset about being scammed.

Honestly, the sad thing is that you're taking the time to cry over the "Cry Babies". Pity the ignorant.. :pray:

You aren't a crybaby if you want your 200$ worth. :slap

agreed! i really wanted this and royce to go with, but the price doesn't justify it's lack of accessories for me. Just may cancel the PO and stick with the NECA figures.

If it wasn't for Royce, this would be a definite pass for me
The difficulty is most of the people complaining obviously very much do want this figure (me, I came on board relatively late). We were totally ready to lap it up just like the non-complaining 'well I have a life' high horsers - we just weren't expecting such an obvious c__k up beyond the usual liberties HT takes with accuracy.
The difficulty is most of the people complaining obviously very much do want this figure (me, I came on board relatively late). We were totally ready to lap it up just like the non-complaining 'well I have a life' high horsers - we just weren't expecting such an obvious c__k up beyond the usual liberties HT takes with accuracy.


I guess some people really just enjoy getting rammed from behind and expect others to enjoy it as well.

I thought only Apple products have drones.
:lol I'm more amused and bemused than upset :dunno ... I am sorry for the guys who were hoping for a giant but I think some of the venom directed at Hot Toys is a bit uncalled for but that's a typical Hot Toys thread for you.
Yeah he's suspiciously short, but life goes on right?! It still looks amazing imo

No it does not. Haven't you heard of the riots going on in China right now because of this? Billions dead, the entire nation left without electricity, clean water or food, the Chinese military has been given orders to kill all civilians on site and there are credible threats that this anarchy will spill over into the west once the figure hits state side. It's the end of life as we know it and it's all HT's fault. Even if by somehow we survive this I can only imagine the chaos that will happen if they ____ up the DX Superman.
No, I'm sorry but you're wrong.

No, I'm not...but that doesn't matter as I'll never convince you I'm right. You're stuck thinking that whatever prototype a company shows you they have to deliver to you since that's what you were being sold. That of course isn't true as you're being sold whatever product is available to buy and, as the original prototype isn't available to buy...well, you catch my drift.

Likewise, this is a great example of why some fans (myself included) never ever ever pre-order figures. For anyone to pre-order a figure based completely and only on images of a prototype and NOT on images of a final product means the buyer is running the risk of the product not turning out the way they expected.

When have they ever before bothered to explicitly state "realistic and accurate" 1/6th scale? I don't believe they ever have. They really made a point out of this to attract buyers who had previously been complaining about the P1's shortness.

The Berserker in the film is NOT 2 feet taller than the "Classic" Predator and, as such, should never have been as large as the Hot Toys Berserker Predator prototype originally shown in the promo images. Go back to the film and see for yourself how tall the Berserker is compared to Royce and the "Classic" Predator. Yup, he's taller, but he's not 2 feet taller -- he's *maybe* a foot max...maybe.

In 1/6th scale, that means the Hot Toys MMS Berserker should be at max 1" taller if not .75" taller than the "Classic" Predator as per the dimensions in the film...which is about what the Berserker is in production.

What is being released seems to be more "film accurate" than what was originally shown in the prototype pictures and just because it was originally pitched a certain way doesn't mean Hot Toys is required to release it that way. Yes, the company has an obligation to live up to certain standards, but I'm fairly certain this does indeed count as a "slight" change. If they had given him a third arm or a second head, I'd consider that a change worth invading China over...

The "vocal minority" of folks on here who are griping and complaining about the Berserker's height will do one of two things:

- gripe and complain and STILL buy the figure

- gripe and complain and NOT buy the figure

It's really that simple...

...but no one cries "false advertising" in those cases.

No one should be crying "false advertising" at all about this since the images you're referring to were NOT advertisements. It was a promotional image shown to PROMOTE the figure. I can see how you can interpret it as misleading, but it was not nor could be "False advertising."

However in this case we can clearly see the figure shrank to being barely any larger than the P1. Thats not what we were offered and I don't agree that it falls into the realms of "final product may differ slightly".

This is where you're wrong as what you're being offered is what's for sale and what's for sale is NOT the prototype, but the production piece. Thus, that's the ONLY Berserker Hot Toys figure being made available for sale and, as such, the changes that were made were deemed in the realm of "differ slightly."

And considering I've seen drastic changes WAY worse than this on a prototype, I think it's almost funny to see how heated fans are getting about this. Really? Really? Aren't some of you out of work or divorced or behind on car payments or something? Aren't there more desperate things to be worried about?


This is fun. And when the chaos gets to the USA, I'm ready - just got my Mossberg 590A1 out of storage and ready for action! :) :)
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Well, yours Truly ordered both Berserker and Falconer from Razor's Edge -- both with non-refundable $20 deposits :D.

What the hell, I'll still get them. Pretty pissed about the size (seriously, this was HT's fault and they didn't fix it), but they won't be displayed side-to-side with my other Preds, so it's okay. I actually own some HT Preds that I'm not ga-ga over. I guess in the end, the AVP's will always be my favorite, hands down. Maybe it's because they've raised the bar too high, lol.

Even so, this makes me wonder. Are we even getting the f'ing Falcon at all, or will HT shove another "final product may vary slightly" down our throats when that figure comes out?
Well, yours Truly ordered both Berserker and Falconer from Razor's Edge -- both with non-refundable $20 deposits :D.

What the hell, I'll still get them. Pretty pissed about the size (seriously, this was HT's fault and they didn't fix it), but they won't be displayed side-to-side with my other Preds, so it's okay. I actually own some HT Preds that I'm not ga-ga over. I guess in the end, the AVP's will always be my favorite, hands down. Maybe it's because they've raised the bar too high, lol.

Even so, this makes me wonder. Are we even getting the f'ing Falcon at all, or will HT shove another "final product may vary slightly" down our throats when that figure comes out?

Now that you mention that Blade, it is kinda worrying that we have yet to see any proto pics of the Falcon. My personal opinion is we won't get it:lol
not economically viable you say?

i'm still ahving breakfast, lunch and dinner at whammyburger. :lol

And back to the whole Classic comparison, the only reason Berserker still looks a little taller than him is because he had the same production issue! Shorter than he was supposed to be. Why's HT suddenly choking on these Predator figs?
