Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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I totally agree the HT version is more Predator like and the head and mandibles were too big in the movie.

I actually liked the way he looked in the movie. Berserker's supposed to
be a different race/breed of Predator so I like that he looked a little different. Just my opinion of course.

what the _____ ss said berserker estimated shipping date is february 2011.this better not be true now im MAD

Maybe it means HT is re-doing/tweaking the figure for the US distribution which hopefully means bigger head and bio and longer dreads. I doubt it though but it would be nice.
i have never complained and am really happy with the way berzerker turned out but after watching the reviews posted by Legion the pain begins..........the wait for it to hit the U.S. is gonna be killer! bad mofo indeed!!!!!! :yess:
well from the videos and pics he looks fine if they do any tweaking on the fig they might F it the tweaking might get the people mad who already have him.
well from the videos and pics he looks fine if they do any tweaking on the fig they might F it the tweaking might get the people mad who already have him.

It may piss alot of people off but if more people buy it because of improvements, it's still a win for HT. Not saying they are gonna tweak it and if they do it will be minor like making the body taller like in the protos or molding the head and bio bigger but not changing the overall sculpt. Plus I doubt they would ____ it up. HT making changes to a figure is usually for the better. Like I said though it's more whishfull thinking on my part. I really doubt they'll make any changes.
they wont make changes unless its got leaky abs or some major problem that truly hinders the figure. but they wont make changes mostly because its a sure-sell figure that turned out great, height issues, bio ,and dred lenght aside (which dont bother me at all). beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
It may piss alot of people off but if more people buy it because of improvements, it's still a win for HT. Not saying they are gonna tweak it and if they do it will be minor like making the body taller like in the protos or molding the head and bio bigger but not changing the overall sculpt. Plus I doubt they would ____ it up. HT making changes to a figure is usually for the better. Like I said though it's more whishfull thinking on my part. I really doubt they'll make any changes.

Why would anyone be unhappy about owning this little piece of cool? I wouldn't expect anything different after about 100 posts declaring this figure and Hot Toys failures... :rotfl The truth is, the figure is more movie accurate now than the prototype, so all the bawling and cursing of Hot Toys was undeserved and for nothing. Hot Toys tweaked it for the better, I can't wait to get mine!
Christ guys, does everybody have to quote every picture in every post??!


Could not agree more, bit of a forum-peeve of mine. If all you want to say is 'great pics' quoting one pic is sufficient. But saying this is ultimately a losing battle.
<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
Great video and review. And finally, confirmation that he can look up! :clap
Why would anyone be unhappy about owning this little piece of cool? I wouldn't expect anything different after about 100 posts declaring this figure and Hot Toys failures... :rotfl The truth is, the figure is more movie accurate now than the prototype, so all the bawling and cursing of Hot Toys was undeserved and for nothing. Hot Toys tweaked it for the better, I can't wait to get mine!

errr, coz its little.:monkey3


Could not agree more, bit of a forum-peeve of mine. If all you want to say is 'great pics' quoting one pic is sufficient. But saying this is ultimately a losing battle.

I would rather look at photos than read people whining about things that aren't going to change and calling Hot Toys names. :thud:

Great video and review. And finally, confirmation that he can look up! :clap

I think that's why some are saying the dreads look a little short. It's all about the angle of the head. They look great to me as they are.
^despite the lack of articulation, this pred can indeed look up much better than the older preds. must be a sculpted neck thing merit.
I have absolutely no idea what a handful of you are complaining about, he looks amazing and I'll definitely be getting him.

He does look amazing. No one was debating that. But if you read the complaints surely you know what they were about:confused:

Well anyway, feckit I'll keep my order. He's not as big as they initially let on but he does still look like he's got a good bit of heft to him!
Maybe it means HT is re-doing/tweaking the figure for the US distribution which hopefully means bigger head and bio and longer dreads. I doubt it though but it would be nice.

I dont want to say I hope not but thats kinda a concern for me...I was literally just about to hit 'buy now' and now I'm wondering if I should wait a little...

Although I'd say its 99% certain they wont do that, the backlash would be hellish :lol