Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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you want to see a terrible secret about the errors Hot Toys?

I have a lot of pictures with comparisons between the figure and the original from the movie

I've read this whole thread and I'm telling you they don't matter at all.

In fact they are so insignificant when you have the character you will be laughing at all the nonsense here.

There were even more inaccuracies with the P2 but did that stop it's popularity or even price? No.

It's because once people see through the turdstorm trolls like to stir up (because they got no cash to buy) they end up with not only an awesome character but one that will probably go up 5 times in value!!

That is a fact with the P2 and it will be for the Berserker too.

Keep on trolling.:monkey4
disagreeing you is not trolling. as for the price, i also collect and restore classic cars and i make more than this figure costs in a day. go dramatically justify blowing your parent's paycheck for this toy somewhere else. there are more than enough HT apologists in here as it is and you're making them look bad.

No one is talking about collecting cars, making a living off HT characters or comparing investments here so you can take that argument home with you. It's just a remark that if you miss the opportunity now, you will pay later. I don't see why you should take it to the level of earning income (unless that is EXACTLY what you were thinking of ;).

What we are talking about are trolls that do not have money to buy even with their parent's paycheck and slamming an awesome product at the expense of others.

The only ones making themselves look bad is you and your trolling colony of glass half empty no money in pocket all time to waste thread trollers.
I've read this whole thread and I'm telling you they don't matter at all.

In fact they are so insignificant when you have the character you will be laughing at all the nonsense here.

There were even more inaccuracies with the P2 but did that stop it's popularity or even price? No.

It's because once people see through the turdstorm trolls like to stir up (because they got no cash to buy) they end up with not only an awesome character but one that will probably go up 5 times in value!!

That is a fact with the P2 and it will be for the Berserker too.

Keep on trolling.:monkey4

spoken like a true flipper...oh, wait.:panic: i kid.:yess:
I've read this whole thread and I'm telling you they don't matter at all.

In fact they are so insignificant when you have the character you will be laughing at all the nonsense here.

There were even more inaccuracies with the P2 but did that stop it's popularity or even price? No.

It's because once people see through the turdstorm trolls like to stir up (because they got no cash to buy) they end up with not only an awesome character but one that will probably go up 5 times in value!!

That is a fact with the P2 and it will be for the Berserker too.

Keep on trolling.:monkey4
Just because people are willing to pay ridiculous prices for a predator 2 figure doesn't make it suck any less.
I'm curious - do you think that the reason for trolling only in money?

if the figure is released with bugs, then we must rejoice that figure with errors? especially with the increased price tag is unclear for what.

pictures will come later
I'm curious - do you think that the reason for trolling only in money?

if the figure is released with bugs, then we must rejoice that figure with errors? especially with the increased price tag is unclear for what.

pictures will come later

Here we go again another glass-half-empty clan member right here.

It is what it is, that is what you are going to get. If you read my post properly you will note that I didn't just talk about its value but the fact that it is an awesome character that would make anyone with a pointless OCD issue love the character! It's not like they gave him a third eye or something else! It's totally minor the issues that you people bring up until you have him in front of you all that will disappear. That is why I say the glass-is-half-full and to people not to fall for the trolling that will result in them paying more in the future. What pictures? Pictures of you with no HT figures!? No thanks.

Just because people are willing to pay ridiculous prices for a predator 2 figure doesn't make it suck any less.

I have a P2 and it is awesome. I knew the inaccuracies like the gas mask but at the end of the day it doesn't matter because there is no alternative. Read the YT review and actionToys - no one said this character sucked except trolls on threads like you. It's also a FACT of life as EVERY HT character has flaws. So I recommend to you to STOP buying HT and go away.

Berserker IS AWESOME!
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im getting this figure for sure, i've seen the minor inaccuracies on berserker & i have to say for any predator fan to pass him up would be will pay for it later i guarantee it!!
I've read this whole thread and I'm telling you they don't matter at all.

In fact they are so insignificant when you have the character you will be laughing at all the nonsense here.

There were even more inaccuracies with the P2 but did that stop it's popularity or even price? No.

It's because once people see through the turdstorm trolls like to stir up (because they got no cash to buy) they end up with not only an awesome character but one that will probably go up 5 times in value!!

That is a fact with the P2 and it will be for the Berserker too.

Keep on trolling.:monkey4

So now you're implying everybody who doesn't like this bad HT figure simply doesn't have the money to afford it?

I wouldn't compare the P2 to this thing.

P2, while inaccurate, had a ton of accessories. It also wasn't $200. It was more poseable. Honestly I think the P2 would be a better value than this.

(large)Inaccuracies aside, this figure doesn't have much to offer other than a nice paintjob for the $200 it costs. I'd say the sculpt was good if it actually was, but it isn't. It isn't as tall as they made it out to be, and it has hardly any accessories at all (some extra hands, the blades, and the human spine thing? that all?). The poses possible don't seem that good either, unless you just want it to be standing there (I see that many people are going with that pose, since the 'action poses' of this guy look rediculous).
im getting this figure for sure, i've seen the minor inaccuracies on berserker & i have to say for any predator fan to pass him up would be will pay for it later i guarantee it!!

And that is the long and short of it for sure.

Totally agree.
So now you're implying everybody who doesn't like this bad HT figure simply doesn't have the money to afford it?

I wouldn't compare the P2 to this thing.

The comparison is being made about the whole idea of pointless criticism against a proven product (P2) and that we should learn from the past.

P2, while inaccurate, had a ton of accessories. It also wasn't $200. It was more poseable. Honestly I think the P2 would be a better value than this.

Hah, more nonsense being spewed I see. Berseker has a much more detail but you obviously don't have it which is why you are pumping tosh. I've already said that Berserker should have more, but I would still pay for it. and that is what counts.

(large)Inaccuracies aside, this figure doesn't have much to offer other than a nice paintjob for the $200 it costs. I'd say the sculpt was good if it actually was, but it isn't. It isn't as tall as they made it out to be, and it has hardly any accessories at all (some extra hands, the blades, and the human spine thing? that all?). The poses possible don't seem that good either, unless you just want it to be standing there (I see that many people are going with that pose, since the 'action poses' of this guy look rediculous).

What you have just said is not only untrue but an inaccurate representation of the product. You obviously don't have it I can tell, so I would recommend you stop making 'rediculous' po po. For $200 it is worth it and you will see it is worth it when you are on a waiting list!

may be, may be...
I hope you understand my bad English :monkey2



the scale observed. there are minor shortcomings in authenticity. well done


Armor is shortened in height and increased in thickness. authenticity average. texture in the film is smooth (not rough like the Hot Toys)


not detailed and not authenticity.


authenticity average - lower enlarged and changed the angles from above.


authenticity below average. back strongly increased (in the film is flattened and closely adjacent to the hand).


does not hold water - there is no authenticity and forms. other details, control panel strongly thickened


elongated and thin fingers with chicken claws. Fist - top idiotic (despite the fact that all previous releases of predators were right fist). mosaic texture (should be more smooth).​
And that's my point: absolutely pathetic comparisons being made right here. If we go by your comparison NO HT is worth it because THEY ALL HAVE FLAWS (and that's a fact). Frick'en joke.

Every other pred has bigger and more problems.


The pic above is PROOF that this the MOST accurate HT Pred of them all!!!!
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