Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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I think in the past two years Hot Toys has gotten drastically better at putting out final products that look as good as their prototypes. Look at Whiplash in the marvel thread, as their latest achievement.

I don't disagree with that but in my opinion nothing Hot Toys has released has paint as complicated as Berserker's. Really hoping that they can meet our expectations.
in the specs , sideshow says:

Each head sculpt is specially hand-painted

so..... the body is factory painted?
in the specs , sideshow says:

Each head sculpt is specially hand-painted

so..... the body is factory painted?

They've been saying that for a while now, its nothing new. Each head is supposedly hand painted.
i add this pics because some people talks about the the neca figure in this thread, please if you want to make this thread perfect , reply to all people who talks of neca figure , not only my post, i only want to add information for the other users in this thread that compares both figures, HT and NECA , so please read all the post before talk

I do.

You're not special.

Please read all posts before talk.
Is it going to be 20% or something :panic:

Yup! As of (some bloody date in January) VAT is rising to 20 god damn %! If you think about it... over the past 12 months its a hell of a rise because they lowered it to 15% for a while so it sorta feels like it has risen by 5% over the course of the year!

When it was 15% the power of the £ was a little stronger also I think. You could get $2 for £1 (now around $1.50 for £1 depending on the day) so it was cheaper to get stuff from the states around that time.

But yeah! Conservatives mentioned they were putting VAT up to 20% in January. Hopefully they won't go through with it... time will tell!

These bloody things are expensive enough as is.

Any way, back to Berserker...
I don't disagree with that but in my opinion nothing Hot Toys has released has paint as complicated as Berserker's. Really hoping that they can meet our expectations.
While not as complex as Berserker, look at how much closer Hot Toys Predator came out to the prototype; I can't even spot many differences to be honest.


While not as complex as Berserker, look at how much closer Hot Toys Predator came out to the prototype; I can't even spot many differences to be honest.



The original Predator is nowhere as complex as Berserker. It isn't even as complex as P2 or the Wolf Predator.







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The thing is that the same people crying for the inaccuracy of the figure onscreen are now saying they would not mind the movie height accuracy. Again, I saw the movie and there were no shots of the 2 Preds side by side to judge correctly, but he IS supposed to be that much taller. So either way, if they don't complain about one thing, they have to complain about another.

I was not going to get the figure at first because I did not care about the character as much but after seeing the actual figure, I will definately add him to my collection. Im just tired of some people that just keep complaining about no accuracy and then basically say they wont mind accuracy.
I have no problem with the minor innaccuracies of the Berserker and truth be told, if people hadn't of pointed them out, I would never have noticed. I also have no prob with Beserker's height cause as I've said severall times in this thread, I like my Predators tall. I just have a problem with the height of original HT P1 Pred. He's too short and I think many would agree. I personally would very much like to see an updated version of P1 with the new, taller body.
I would like a new Classic, new body and taller. But then I'd want the Berserker and gang to be taller because they are supposed to be taller, not on set because all the actors were midgets. That would be in a theoretical scale I think.
he IS supposed to be that much taller.

Um.. you do understand the HT Predator 1 figure is shorter than all the previous Predator figures they released, right? So while that height difference between Berserker and P1 (seen in the spec pic) might initially seem accurate, it's actually not. Because P1 is short.
Um.. you do understand the HT Predator 1 figure is shorter than all the previous Predator figures they released, right? So while that height difference between Berserker and P1 (seen in the spec pic) might initially seem accurate, it's actually not. Because P1 is short.

How many times do we have to go over this subject???(maybe HT purposly(SP) made P1 smaller, so they wouldn't have to make a whole new body if they're doing the Classic??
(unfourtunately us P1 fans have to deal with the mini P1:lol)