Hot Toys - MMS136 - THE TERMINATOR: 1/6 T-800 Collectible Figure

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Re: Hot Toys: MMS The Terminator 1/6th T-800. Specs & Pictures Coming Soon (teaser)

Easily buying this!
Re: Hot Toys: MMS The Terminator 1/6th T-800. Specs & Pictures Coming Soon (teaser)

I might have to give up my hunt for the original Ht BD T-800. :gah: Going to have to grab a couple of these.:gah::gah:
Re: Hot Toys: MMS The Terminator 1/6th T-800. Specs & Pictures Coming Soon (teaser)

But regarding the iconic nature of the Police Assault, first it is more similar to the pic on the poster (though he isn't wearing a shirt there for some reason), so people consider it more iconic for that reason.

Its funny what's iconic to different people. The Tech Noir getup is almost as iconic as the Police Station Assault for me due to the simple fact that this was the main image on the back of the vintage VHS package:


I had to wait a couple years to see T1 after it came out (I was 10 when it hit theaters) and could only pine after the VHS cover in the meantime.
Re: Hot Toys: MMS The Terminator 1/6th T-800. Specs & Pictures Coming Soon (teaser)

I was 8 when my mom took me out to see the movie at opening night, yes my mom ^^

Ah, the good old days when parents took kids to R rated movies.

Some of the goriest movies I've ever seen were the ones my parents took me to.
Re: Hot Toys: MMS The Terminator 1/6th T-800. Specs & Pictures Coming Soon (teaser)

Given his arm and how much his eye is bleeding, I'm convinced this will not include an extra Leather Jacket or the Gargoyles or anything for the Police Station look.

I think this will be for upto the hotel room surgery and not anything after it.

Hopefully we get a 2nd version.
Re: Hot Toys Teaser - The Terminator!

Now this was the treminator i was waiting for.
Re: Hot Toys: MMS The Terminator 1/6th T-800. Specs & Pictures Coming Soon (teaser)

He better come with some shades.
Re: Hot Toys: MMS The Terminator 1/6th T-800. Specs & Pictures Coming Soon (teaser)

well if there is a pattern both these figures end with some sort of revealing inner endoarm, t2 with the left endoarm and this with the surgery on the right. so if they make a police scene T1, a Cyberdyne police showdown for T2 should go side by side? then the two battle damage to follow?
Re: Hot Toys: MMS The Terminator 1/6th T-800. Specs & Pictures Coming Soon (teaser)

It looks great, always loved that punk style. Its a great alternative to the clasic black leather clothes Terminator.
Re: Hot Toys: MMS The Terminator 1/6th T-800. Specs & Pictures Coming Soon (teaser)

Damn, DiFabio...that´s one hell of a story, but I got one there too:

I watched The Terminator when I was like 7, or 8 years old and my parents and me were at my Uncle and Aunt for vacation.
They´re watchin´the film and I saw it ´til Arnold got into the police station, so he already did put his eye out and said "I´ll be back".
My parents sent me to bed and the last thing I saw was Arnold crashin´in with the car and squeezin´poor ol´ Officer Austin.
(Later I remembered the car to be a Trans Am, but that´s something different^^)
I went to the bunk bed of my cousin and took the lower stage and when I looked outside the window there was the neighbor house and from the corner of it, to the right there was spanning a garland...where every f____n´bulb was broken but one!!! Guess what color it had!!!!!
I was afraid as f__k and ask myself: "What the hell does he want with me", didn´t help it...I was caught.
Some years later my Dad too came with a VHS, but pirated copies of T1 and T2 and then I watched both and it was no Trans Am, but hell...loved the movies and that was my first experience and the hype is unbroken ´til now and never will be.
20 years and still growing...with that...
*beer in hand* us freaks...
Re: Hot Toys: MMS The Terminator 1/6th T-800. Specs & Pictures Coming Soon (teaser)

And now here I am. . .Batman
Yeah, I would say it messed you up a bit :lol

He didn't wear them in this costume though. I doubt he will.
I thought he put the shades on right after he cut his eye out. Maybe I'm misunderestimating my memory, though.
Re: Hot Toys: MMS The Terminator 1/6th T-800. Specs & Pictures Coming Soon (teaser)

no he already switched to the grey sleevless before the eye surgery.
Re: Hot Toys: MMS The Terminator 1/6th T-800. Specs & Pictures Coming Soon (teaser)

Yeah, and he had the tourniquet.
Re: Hot Toys: MMS The Terminator 1/6th T-800. Specs & Pictures Coming Soon (teaser)

I wouldn't count on a two-in-one from T1. If they did that, the line would be done.

Definitely Technoir and Police Station will be separate figures. That's the TWO you'll be getting from T1. And that's it.
Re: Hot Toys: MMS The Terminator 1/6th T-800. Specs & Pictures Coming Soon (teaser)

Yeah, I'm willing to bet that there isn't a single Police Station related part to this upcoming figure.

Not happening. I prefer it that way.
Re: Hot Toys: MMS The Terminator 1/6th T-800. Specs & Pictures Coming Soon (teaser)


So this appears to be a HT ad from Figure King magazine. A quick translation:

"This/Next Year (??-part cut off/blocked by that toy) the Young Schwarzenegger who shook up Hollywood."
Movie Masterpiece Terminator 1 T-800 scale figure. 30 cm tall, 30 points of articulation. Anticipated release date January 2011. Weapons: pistol, machine gun and shotgun. Accessories: Interchangeable damaged head, interchangeable damaged right arm, medical use pliers, knife and scissors, and interchangeable hands (x5).

There is unfortunately no mention made of an alternate outfit, Gargoyles sunglasses etc. (ie anything for the police station scenes), but it's not clear if the ad description is complete. I guess we'll find out on Friday.
Re: Hot Toys: MMS The Terminator 1/6th T-800. Specs & Pictures Coming Soon (teaser)

Thanks for the translation, niko

no he already switched to the grey sleevless before the eye surgery.
But the extra head is from the eye surgery scene, right? And wasn't he using the pliers in that same scene?
Re: Hot Toys: MMS The Terminator 1/6th T-800. Specs & Pictures Coming Soon (teaser)

I wouldn't count on a two-in-one from T1. If they did that, the line would be done.

Definitely Technoir and Police Station will be separate figures. That's the TWO you'll be getting from T1. And that's it.

I wouldn't be surprised if we get a 2-in-1 Kyle Reese with Future War and 1984 dids. Seeing as how they already did Future Reese the jacket and gear can be recycled and updated.

Also an all-chrome Endo would be the cherry on top.
Re: Hot Toys: MMS The Terminator 1/6th T-800. Specs & Pictures Coming Soon (teaser)

The T1000 had the 2 looks T1 could too.
Even if its Arnold and they could milk it.
Lets hope it works out.
And again manifest yourself on HOTTOYS facebook page let them know what you want there.
It's useful.
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