Hot Toys - MMS136 - The Terminator: 1/6th scale T800 Collectible Figure (T1)

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Biehn never stopped working.
Lots of DTV, he even directed one.
His next movie should be very good it's a post apocalyptical movie called THE DIVIDE from the director of HITMAN.
Biehn plays a crazy survivalist.
The movie is low budget (but with great production value from what i've seen) so it will be wicked and spares any of the mainstream ____.

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I get where Maulfan is coming from, because almost every release in recent memory has had a good, licensed head. Last one I remember not having this off-hand is Billy. Hot Toys has either been willing to pay more money, has more prestige and better sculpts that makes actors less skittish, or lots of actors have just changed their tune on these issues for other reasons. Likely a combination of these things. But that doesn't mean Biehn will allow his likeness to be used.

Thing I'm most curious about is the details of the T1 license today.

Sideshow, NECA and Hot Toys will all be doing products with authentic Arnie likenesses. Just a few years ago when Hot Toys did their first Terminator, Arnie's likeness wasn't part of the mix. It would seem now that getting the T1 license is enough to get Arnie's portrait, I don't see any text on the T-800 photos like Dutch indicating a 3rd party license for just the likeness. Makes me wonder, in all the shuffling of Terminator ownership, did someone seek and obtain likeness rights from the actors without a specific manufacturer planning to make things, just because of the explosion in the collectibles world and the potential for cash to be made off it. Would make sense, but clearly something significant has changed if we go from hamburger face to 3 companies having the rights to his portrait.
No Kyle Reese is like no T-1000 to go with T2 Arnie.I STRONGLY hope we get a Reese in 2011.
Have any other Company made Reese?I can't remember seeing anything but Arnie himself,Neca never made Reese either.
No Kyle Reese is like no T-1000 to go with T2 Arnie.I STRONGLY hope we get a Reese in 2011.

Agreed about his relevance, but without knowing the conditions of the license, who knows what'll happen, at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if this Tech Noir were the only T-800.

I've said my share of "no way they won't not do...." and it's not often, they actualy don't, I've come to expect little from HT as far as selection, they make a great product but they can really suck as far as what they offer from a property.

Have any other Company made Reese?I can't remember seeing anything but Arnie himself,Neca never made Reese either.

NECA has yet to do anything T1. The only Reese ever done that I know of is the original Hot Toys figure which has a vague Biehn likeness, closer than most of their unofficial sculpts, but still not as good as a fully licensed one.
Agreed about his relevance, but without knowing the conditions of the license, who knows what'll happen, at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if this Tech Noir were the only T-800.

I've said my share of "no way they won't not do...." and it's not often, they actualy don't, I've come to expect little from HT as far as selection, they make a great product but they can really suck as far as what they offer from a property.

Yeah but not with Key characters,making T2 T-800,T-1000 and even Sarah Conner plus an exclusive Sarah...and announcing T1 while the iron is Hot shows how big the interest is in Terminator,im sure they want to make Reese but they haven't gotten the Green light,if they ever,i hope im wrong though.
Well, at least with T2, they've always had the rights to likenesses, Sideshow's done several products with Patrick's likeness as well as Arnie's.

The question is, how are the likeness rights working now for the T1 license and what would it take to get Biehn's approval, if at all, some celebs just won't ever give it out, Sigourney Weaver's one. Time will tell, if HT can get likeness rights ot Biehn, then I'm sure we'll get Reese, but like I said earlier, I think HT's past the days of putting out figures without a likeness, so no Biehn potrait, probably no Reese. I have big hopes though, a Reese with today's sculpt quality will look sick.
Both or nothing for me,i have little interest in the franchise in general...Just T1 as a stand alone movie.
,im sure they want to make Reese but they haven't gotten the Green light,if they ever,i hope im wrong though.

The first prototype could be being worked on right now for all we know, maybe hes the next T1 figure. I bet if we're complaining at all its going to be over a slight flaw in the headsculpt thats throwing off the likeness.

I dunno, right now, I'm feeling very positive about the T1 and T2 licenses from Hot Toys - all except for young John Connor...but then again theres always the limited 2-pack option! (yep, from now on if its not a DX!! its going to be 2pack)
Now that a 2-Pack is finally an option,i can definitely see a Battle Damaged T-800/young John Conner happening.
I consider young John and T1 Sarah identical, they're both the focal point of their respective films, and they're both medicre figure potential at HT's prices, just a basic figure in a costume that's nothing special with few accessories to come with. I imagine in the end, the focus of all the Terminator lines will be the most core heroes and villains of each film.

T1 - T-800 and Kyle, no Sarah
T2 - T-800, T-1000 and Sarah, no John
T4 - Marucs, John, Endos, no Kyle
Im starting to doubt that HT has changed the headsculpt. The likeness is spot on IMO, I dont see any reason for them to change it other than it being sort of "squashed."
Its possible OMG, and no offense to him, had forgotten exactly what the proto looked like since he last looked at the pics and mistakenly thought it looked different in person from what he remembered.
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Just a side topic, but me and my missus have met Michael Biehn in a comic fest, he is a very down to earth and lovely guy. Very friendly to talk to but not as tall/big as I imagine he was. I was too in awe to ask him any good questions (I talked about the stupid weather with him :slap) But my girl was smart enough to keep the conversation going. Some guy in the comic fest got his HT HIcks signed by Michael himself, I was rather jealous! :pfft:
I think it is a shame that Biehn's career never really thrived beyond his Cameron films. But playing Reese and Hicks have earned him a place in the geek pantheon, for sure.