thank you for the correction about the word "damaged/undamaged".
as you see, i highlighted other words than you did.
so i'll have to correct something about my post:
his hand, shot by Reese and nobody else (screens in my previous post, plus the place where he cuts), and not damaged in car crash (screenshot in my post about left shoulder hit while right arm safely inside the car) wasn't fully operational.
it was enough operational to:
- use UZI (as he did after that shot)
- crash the frontal car window (as he did also after that shot)
- kill Sarah, Kyle and all 4 cops with pistols who couldn't stop him - if only he decided to explore the situation instead of disappearing.
and the words "non-functional" don't mean "fully disfunctional" because of red-highlighted words... and because of the final movie events (2 of 3 points above).
i am sorry but i don't see it there.
Well no, you don't see the hydraulics or metal parts damaged, but come on. What more needs to be shown and said. A few fingers are moving slowly, sort of twitchy he CUTS into his wound with an X-acto knife, making the cut/wound noticeably larger to make more room to operate. He then takes pliers and other tools to operate. Something happened to make it like that, my guess is a lodged bullet (notice when he starts to take the surgery further it cuts away) or perhaps he sustained it in the crash (he has gashes on his palm, as seen on the Hot Toys figure and in the film).
Something is wrong with that right arm. The script says it, the scene is a surgery scene, etc.
The whole scene is a SURGERY scene, what else is he doing if not repairing?
What about his damaged eye? Surely he'd have difficulties with targets only being able to see out of one eye?
Also, the film made it quite clear that each officer car had
atleast one 12 gauge Ithaca Model 37. Reese jacks one from a police vehicle, the T-800 gets into a police vehicle and acquires one. I highly doubt that those officers just had pistols. Those rifles would still not be enough to damage the endo, but it was enough to knock him down. Now imagine MULTIPLE shots at it.
As a few others stated above, this is kind of getting a
little bit nerdy/dorky.
Anyway, I'm ending my part here. I can't even believe I'm talking about this,
It always appeared to me that he left the scene because he was basically ____ed up. If he confronted them
with sustained damage (I think it's his arm and closed eye) it might fail in catching Sarah and be without it's human disguise (shot up by Reese and officers). It would want to pursue her further while keeping it's human appearance so it opted to leave and repair.
The Terminator has a better opportunity now, to strike at Sarah since she is in police custody. It can repair, "wash up", slightly alter it's appearance and restock with new weapons and strike with strength.
Much better than getting out of a car that just slammed into a wall, with one eye, with little to no ammo, other damages, and cops with the area surrounded.
i thought the terminator was QUOTED " INDESTRUCTIBLE ENDOSKELETON" that would mean the bullets wouldn't do $ hit to him besides detroying the flesh .
the obvious T1 arm damage that everyone is talking about
the terminator limps after the crash in the end

Yeah, pretty much.
The fact that it gets destroyed and crushed in a hydraulic press alone proves that it's not indestructible. I think that's where people are missing the point. Everyone wants it to just run into cops and pull their hearts out, when it's not that simple. Yeah, he's very much a badass mother ____er and
hard to kill. it's tough and unrelenting, but how many film monsters are invincible? Not many.
There wouldn't be a conclusion if the Terminator was like Superman made out of some indestructible alloy. Hence why it escapes (though it may have to do with appearance and damage), is shown to sustain cyborg damage (guns, shots, glass, cars, limps, etc.) and ultimately gets destroyed.