Excellent! Toy line easily passed on.
Lol Tom hardy will be playing most characters soonTom Hardy rumoured to be playing John Connor too!?
Just leave the films alone!!! Hollywood has to destroy everything that's good
That link doesn't seem to be working for me.
Above is copied and pasted from the linked page
Terminator reboot?
What is the point? Do they seriously think they can match the original, let alone beat it?
I would MUCH prefer a proper sequel showing the future war as seen in T1 and T2. Salvation tried but completely failed TBH.
Yep thanks.
They are well and truly clueless. In what way is this going to be different enough from the original concept to be worthwhile? Like the article says if its a total reboot why in gods name would Arnold be playing a Terminator again? It makes zero sense outside of money reasons.
Well, whatever, Terminator is dead. T1 and T2 was our lot folks.
Okay, if they're rebooting the franchise and recasting Sarah and Reese, why bring Arnold back?
Why not just cast a new actor as the infiltrating T-800? Arnold should be done as far as I'm concerned. He's an old has been. When will he, Stallone and the others get that in their head?
Exactly my point I was making a-dev. Just grab hold of terminator 1 and 2 and love them forever. I even managed to watch the Sarah Connor choronicles and excepted it for what it was
. Not this reboot ****e tho