Hot Toys - MMS136 - The Terminator: 1/6th scale T800 Collectible Figure (T1)

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Until the hi-res versions come out, here's some crappy blow-ups I did:






Thanks ! My eyes aren't what they used to be !
He looks pretty cool without the big jacket on too by the looks of it. However I'll resist buying another just to display one like that.
oh okay, also that stand that holds the extra head looks pretty cool. not a bad thing to include with this figure.
Off topic but does anyone have those promotional pictures of the T-800 from T2?

It had T-1000 and John Connor blurred out? Might have included Sarah too? I can't find them but I remember seeing them. Pretty sure it might have been in milk magazine but I could be wrong.

I want to see if the blurred out T-1000 had any recognizable qualities of the HT T-1000, it might have been it (keep in mind this was WAY before we knew of the T-1000 figure's existence).

If it was the one we got, Hot Toys did have John in those pics too. Someone has to have them.
The sculpt needs tweaking.
Every time they do it looks better.
The hair line and eyes need attention at least.
Once they do this figure will be HT's Magnum Opus, at least until they bring out their next figure.

So there's at least someone who notices that the eyes aren't done right. Everybody is so excited about this figure that they fail to notice its negative sides.
So there's at least someone who notices that the eyes aren't done right. Everybody is so excited about this figure that they fail to notice its negative sides.

Its already been mentioned plenty of times.
And Ive already given all my nit picks about this figure(trust me, im VERY nit-picky) but im too excited to worry about them...especially seeing as this figure is good enough as it is in my opinion.(i can easily live with the nit-picks i have)
Sure, id like hot toys to address all my nit-picks and make the figure even more movie accurate but im not worried enough about them to be honest so i'll leave it up to you guys to try and get hot toys to taking a back seat for a change.
Good luck guys. I hope you can make them improve it...but I wont be disappointed at all if they dont either.

My many small nit-picks:

Head sculpt:

the hair parting needs to be less centred on the head.(i think)
the hair should not go over the forehead so much.
the face should be slightly longer or thinner(not really sure)
the nose looks too short
the eyes need tweaking a bit


the black buttons should look different
the metal studs on the black leather parts of the jacket are too big and are in the wrong pattern


the pattern is "wrong"(well not really, as it varies throughout the film anyway)
the word "Modern" is written as the word "Mode" on the figures shirt
the neck area is too tight and should be more loose fitting


they look like the wrong colour(although its hard to tell from photos so im not sure)
the pockets have the wrong design(i think)

And there you go.
The main reasons I even noticed such small details in the 1st place is because I have tried replicating this look before in my custom Technoir T800...and you get to know these things like the back of your hand while making a custom.
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This figure in particular deserves better than "Good Enough"
We've waited this long, we can wait a little longer for the tweaks.

When you hear the phrase "its good enough",what do you think? To me, it means that something is not being done to its fullest potential. That only part of a job is being done. It makes me wonder what part is missing.

Its already been mentioned plenty of times.
And Ive already given all my nit picks about this figure(trust me, im VERY nit-picky) but im too excited to worry about them...especially seeing as this figure is good enough as it is in my opinion.(i can easily live with the nit-picks i have)
Sure, id like hot toys to address all my nit-picks and make the figure even more movie accurate but im not worried enough about them to be honest so i'll leave it up to you guys to try and get hot toys to taking a back seat for a change.
Good luck guys. I hope you can make them improve it...but I wont be disappointed at all if they dont either.
I think there are too many posts on this thread that are merely opinion for opinion's sake.

Can we just geek out on the figure please?

I would imagine the hair is modeled after Arnie's first few sec in the movie.

I would imagine the hair is modeled after Arnie's first few sec in the movie.


And the facial expression as well.

Im compared a TON of Movie stills (to the production pics) and this scene is definately the closest comparison to the figure.
Well thats awesome if you want to pose him au natural, but I dont believe most of us do. If he's wearing the Tech Noir outfit then he should look like he did wearing the outtfit. But thats just the opinion of a consumer who's ready to part with almost $200 of my hard earned dough.

I think there are too many posts on this thread that are merely opinion for opinion's sake.

Can we just geek out on the figure please?

I would imagine the hair is modeled after Arnie's first few sec in the movie.
