Hot Toys - MMS136 - The Terminator: 1/6th scale T800 Collectible Figure (T1)

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Its just one of my youtube names "TerminatorFanGame"
Im making a fan game of terminator...hence the name LOL
Its going to be like a classic megadrive/snes game.

I just subbed you by the way main youtube name is SkemeKOS.

That's what confused me as I know you as SkemeKOS.

The Yulli remark was not aimed at you.
As you know Yulli sculpted Bruce Lee as well, and she has had a few things said about her work that has been a bit below the belt, especially when Arnie Kim joined Hot Toys. Nitpicking is fine, don't get me wrong, but would like for people to show some appreciation to her skills as well.
Who cares about the creators?

Back in my day you didn't know who the hell sculpted your figures, you just appreciated them for what they were. The character was in their sculpt and it was produced by a company, that was all.

Yulli's, Arnie Kims, Yao, Mings, I don't care just GIVE ME MY DAMN FIGURES.
I will at some point, can't promise it'd be today. I usually take awhile to bask in the awesomeness of my new figures.

Thanks guys for the all the goodwill you've sent my way.

Quiggle - order the T-1000 if you haven't already. No chance you'll regret it whatsoever.
T_F_G - hope you get yours soon and that it finds you well.

no probs bro, i totally understand. i would be the same...i couldnt stop admiring just the sculpt on its own(i got the clean sculpt from ebay, not the full figure) when i got it about a week or 2 ago.
so yeah, take your time with the pics man.
and thanks, hopefully mine should arrive around the 3rd Oct(unless quiggle prays for me lol)

And Dino, I know exactly where your coming from too mate.
I myself have defended this sculpt a lot against a few people, whether its on youtube, facebook or even here. And yeah, Yulli doesnt get the respect she deserves but she certainly has ALL of my respect, thats for sure.
As im sure you know, my nit-picks are meant with nothing but good intentions. Im perfectly happy as it is at the end of the day, and as you said, thats all that matters.
Im still in shock that this figure is really here!

Who cares about the creators?

Back in my day you didn't know who the hell sculpted your figures, you just appreciated them for what they were. The character was in their sculpt and it was produced by a company, that was all.

Yulli's, Arnie Kims, Yao, Mings, I don't care just GIVE ME MY DAMN FIGURES.

Youre entitled to your opinion of course but personally im with DinoLast here.
And being artistic myself, I truly appreciate the hard work and passion that goes into making these sculpts/figures.
I have massive respect for the likes of Yulli and Arnie Kim etc...but thats just me. I like to give credit where its due.
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Who cares about the creators?

Back in my day you didn't know who the hell sculpted your figures, you just appreciated them for what they were. The character was in their sculpt and it was produced by a company, that was all.

Yulli's, Arnie Kims, Yao, Mings, I don't care just GIVE ME MY DAMN FIGURES.

I care, and so do most other Hot Toys and Sideshow fans.
So why come to a forum that is passionate about collectibles, if you don't care how they are made?

I give up
Enjoy this thread, I will be back when I have the figure in hand.

Yeah, it makes me sad to hear people say stuff like "I dont care".
But dont go Dino, I know this thread is kind of pointless at the moment but im sure it will get better when we are closer to release date and we get more least I hope it will.
Uh, because I care about the product, not the process. Pretty sure that's the case with the majority of collectors here. Some care about both, but I seriously doubt that "most" do. I'm interested to hear about things here or there, but do I need to know about the proclivities of one sculpter or another, or why they are feuding with each other, or why they are sensitive to fan comments, etc., when that information is going to have zero influence on whether or not I buy something? If I really cared about how these things were made, I might be pissed realizing that underpaid, underage laborers working in undemocratic countries are behind much of it. But since I don't care or think about it, I just enjoy the product.
Uh, because I care about the product, not the process. Pretty sure that's the case with the majority of collectors here. Some care about both, but I seriously doubt that "most" do. I'm interested to hear about things here or there, but do I need to know about the proclivities of one sculpter or another, or why they are feuding with each other, or why they are sensitive to fan comments, etc., when that information is going to have zero influence on whether or not I buy something? If I really cared about how these things were made, I might be pissed realizing that underpaid, underage laborers working in undemocratic countries are behind much of it. But since I don't care or think about it, I just enjoy the product.


____in, A.

Some of you fellas treat the Hot Toys employees like rock stars or something, it's really strange. I remember awhile back a few collectors actually had the hots for Yulli or something.

I only care about the end result. Some of the in the making process stuff interests me but these are just products. It's not like a film where I can get caught up in the excitement of how it's produced. The announcement, teaser, specs and pics and finally the end product are the only things that interest me. Not those names on the back of the box.

So why come to a forum that is passionate about collectibles, if you don't care how they are made?

To talk about the collectibles I want and have discussions with other people with similar interests as my own?

NOT to fap to the Hot Toys production team.
I suppose it doesn't really effect what I buy knowing who sculpted it or how it was done.

I happen to be aware of Yulli because shes a she and I find that unusual in this field - and she also happens to be pretty which is something we males tend to latch on to.

I'm also aware of Kyle Windrix with NECA because he posts here from time to time. I have no idea if he is pretty or not. :wink1:

Beyond that my knowledge of these sculptors is zilch. However they do deserve to be credited on the packaging as they are nowadays - both NECA and Hot Toys.
Respect but I don't need to know there full name, where they live, what type of toothbrush they use and whether they have chlamydia or not.

And this is exactly what I dont get.
Where did all of this come from? A few of you guys have mentioned this.
But when did DinoLast or myself mention anything about knowing or caring about their name etc?
I have basically NO IDEA about them myself...other than their names.
And even when I dont know their name, I still have respect and admiration for all the hard work that went into creating something so special.
Thats all.

I'll be back later when all this dies down.
Hopefully we'll have some new pics to talk about.
I guess I will have to pick up the slack then...

is Yulli a Chineses, or Filipino? can't tell myself since they dont say her last name?
And this is exactly what I dont get.
Where did all of this come from? A few of you guys have mentioned this.
But when did DinoLast or myself mention anything about knowing or caring about their name etc?
I have basically NO IDEA about them myself...other than their names.
And even when I dont know their name, I still have respect and admiration for all the hard work that went into creating something so special.
Thats all.

You didn't, I think Dino did though.

They get enough of my appreciation with the hundreds of dollars (maybe thousands by now, I don't know) I've given them. Do I have respect for the craft? Yes. Them? Not really. Kyle is kind of cool because he actually posts on here, but do I really know him? No.

I saw Dave Vennemeyer (Star Wars sculptor for Hasbro) at CV. He seemed kind of cool but you could tell he felt kind of uncomfortable when freaks weren't honoring his privacy. Plus, he acknolodged he was a FREELANCE sculptor. He's good at what he does but he's almost like a ghost writer. The product is what matters in the end. You start with this yulli over praise and soon it will be "yulli's design and so and sos paint" not YOUR figure.

That image you have in your sig and avatar, the image in my sig and avatar, you know, the images of the figures we'll be getting and have and that special feeling of nostalgia you get? That's all that matters.

If it doesn't have a production number, I don't need to know who made it. Do we honor the assembly line people that bust their ***** off putting this stuff together? No, we don't.

It may sound harsh but they're being paid to do this. Most of you go on praising sprees spewing stuff like "oh Hot Toys employees are real fans of these movies. They're making beautiful art!" when in reality it could just be a job for them. Yulli is practically a kid I think. They probably pulled her out of a sweat shop when they found out she had a raw talent for sculpting toys.
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So do you guys have no respect at all for the work that goes into these figures?

I find that hard to believe to be honest.
I never said that. Quite the opposite, in fact. I have a great deal of respect for the artistry and effort that goes into all this. But I don't need to know about the grueling details. Do I need to know how my favorite musician or director got inspired to make his/her best work? Not usually. Unless it is a really interesting story, just give me the product, I'll give you my money, you tell me no secrets, I give you no lies, etc.
I have not made any personal attacks on you, so why do you feel the need to do that to me?

Yeah, that might have been a little harsh. I edited it, sorry. You did instigate a problem that I've never really witnessed on the board though.

I didn't see any anti-Yulli posts in this thread. Just some minor criticisms on the sculpt. But see, people don't acknowledge it as "Yulli's FAILURES!", no it's "Hot Toys you could do a little better". That's the way it should be.

Sorry if I upset ya. You're a pretty cool guy Dinolast.
Yeah, that might have been a little harsh. I edited it, sorry. You did instigate a problem that I've never really witnessed on the board though.

I didn't see any anti-Yulli posts in this thread. Just some minor criticisms on the sculpt. But see, people don't acknowledge it as "Yulli's FAILURES!", no it's "Hot Toys you could do a little better". That's the way it should be.

Sorry if I upset ya. You're a pretty cool guy Dinolast.

Thanks man.
You are right, nobody has had a bad word about Yulli , I wish it was the same in the Bruce Lee thread. It was wrong of me to bring that over to this thread.