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I don't think the Pred from the Predators movie was intended to be the same Pred as the one from the original Predator movie.


Can you imagine the crap flung Hot Toys' way if they released a gantry without also re-releasing the MK IV to go with it? :lol

I know lol. Haters gon hate, no matter what!
Here's how it now goes at Hot Toys HQ:

1. Acquire a license
2. Put one characters into production
3. Tell the eagerly awaiting fans
4. Let fans speculate on what's next for the license
5. Release the figure amongst the other big name franchises
6. if the figure doesn't set company records, abandon the license after the1st (possibly second) figure
7. Kick back and release an "updated" existing figure's like Joker, Iron Man or Predator.
8. Watch the money roll in from fools​

You can't dispute number 5.

I've read time and time again of people canceling a figure to make room for a different figure.

So if a line fails to sell it can be partially because HT are releasing another bunch of figures that are taking sales away from that particular line.

So by this logic the franchise would've sold better if not for a saturated market dividing sales.

I personally love that we are getting a few new licenses, but i HATE that they will end after one or two figures, so HT can focus on developing more of a particular line

Instead of a fourth Joker figure, we could've had one Clu from Tron Legacy, or even one Loki from Thor, at least it s new figure from an under-developed line rather than a remake from a line with alot of figures already. Instead of just making Batman fans happy make fans of other licenses happy too.

I believe in equal opportunity... One line maxed out with figs is basically screwing over another line that gets one or two, just because fans of a particular line get what they want doesn't mean that fans of a line that isn't getting the attention shouldn't get theirs.

I am more of a fan of X-men First Class than i am of Cap & Thor and thus the Avengers, so 'd like an equal amount of figures, but with the rampant popularity of the Avengers, X-men will get swept aside, even if the avengers film is awful.
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Here's how it now goes at Hot Toys HQ:
1. Acquire a license
2. Put one characters into production
3. Tell the eagerly awaiting fans
4. Let fans speculate on what's next for the license
5. Release the figure amongst the other big name franchises
6. if the figure doesn't set company records, abandon the license after the1st (possibly second) figure
7. Kick back and release an "updated" existing figure's like Joker, Iron Man or Predator.
8. Watch the money roll in from foolsWHAAAAAAAAIWANTMYMOMMY

but i HATE



It could be different. I dont follow them enough to know. I just heard people saying it was the same.

I know its not exactly the same. They used all their new techniques on it but from what I understand its the same "character," if you will, as the Predator 1 Pred.

I dont dare go in the Pred threads though lol, same as the Batman threads...too many high-strung fan boys waiting to attack people lol
Classic Predator only got made because a very similar predator to the original happened to show up in the 2010 "Predators" film, which is the license that Classic Predator is being released under. They are not the same character (the original died at the end of his movie so it can't be), but they are so visually similar as to be almost interchangeable.

Had that character design not showed up in Predators, Hot Toys wouldn't have made a new figure based on the same design so quickly. So long story short, he's not a remake :)
Instead of a fourth Joker figure, we could've had one Clu from Tron Legacy, or even one Loki from Thor, at least it s new figure from an under-developed line rather than a remake from a line with alot of figures already. Instead of just making Batman fans happy make fans of other licenses happy too.

Well the Clu figure, which I really want, the whole Tron Legacy line was put on hold due to lower sales..not to mention that Sideshow has delayed their own Tron offerings because of issues with the lighting up so I'm sure that is a stopping point. Loki is a headscratcher but the thing is Jokers sell, bring in high revenue which allow for them to free up cash to do other things. I don't think if they had such a huge hit with TDK and Iron Man we would have even seen license like Sucker Punch, which was a risk, which made those folks pretty happy. One doesn't exactly effect the other but one can definitely help.

Wish Cap came with his first shield too. Love the fondu line.

I find it hard to believe we won't get a USO/Rescue Cap with that shield...
I'm very excited for this figure! currently I am making a WWII Cap semi based on the rescue outfit. I like that look better then the ultimate WWII costume.