Hot Toys - MMS157- Sucker Punch: Babydoll

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"According to the description of Babydoll in Hot Toys Japan website "Keep an eye on the future of the lineup !", more Sucker Punch figures are coming."

a ploy to get you to buy. they said the same with the Watchmen figures.
$170? For these?


Keep them.

I'm sorry Mike, what was that? Was distracted with your Sig as usual. You've had that one a while BTW.
Yup. Wait till they are on ebay for about $120.

Then watch them skyrocket when HT announce they're going to complete the line :lol

I've already whined about the price on the Amber thread, may as well do it here - $160-180 Hot Toys, good luck with that :wink1:
Eventually HT will price themselves out..BUT don't you think high price is because they anticipate lower demand/sales so guess what happens to the retail price?
HT needs more cash!!!
I don't think so because all HT have been going up with every new release. These figs would've been $150 or less if they were announced earlier in the year.
I just paid about $250 out the door for a all Gray Iron Man variant and I did it without thinking. If the Bruce/Batman figure is $199.99 I will buy it without thinking twice. I don't think it's that HT is pricing themselves out because there are more than enough who are following, I think it's that HT figured this wouldn't move very many units and so the price is a premium to try and recoup costs.
:lol I spent like 5 mins on it gimme a break. I do like this look though. I doubt we see much changes in the final sculpt. If anything they need to change the lips for sure.

Oh you can dish it out, but you can't take it. I get it. Point is you're a masterful painter, but a HT head sculpter you are not. You can't be hard on someone who critiques your work after you're hard on HT's work, which is far and beyond everyone else in the industry. Just sayin'. :)
Oh you can dish it out, but you can't take it. I get it. Point is you're a masterful painter, but a HT head sculpter you are not. You can't be hard on someone who critiques your work after you're hard on HT's work, which is far and beyond everyone else in the industry. Just sayin'. :)

Just because he did a photoshop of HTs sculpt, doesnt mean that he doesnt like it.:dunno
People who get offended by photoshop edits are taking it the wrong way.
I just paid about $250 out the door for a all Gray Iron Man variant and I did it without thinking. If the Bruce/Batman figure is $199.99 I will buy it without thinking twice. I don't think it's that HT is pricing themselves out because there are more than enough who are following, I think it's that HT figured this wouldn't move very many units and so the price is a premium to try and recoup costs.

If HT figured this wouldn't move then why are they making the rest of the Sucker Punch girls? Thats what I've read anyways.

I think Hot Toys got the license B4 the movie came out and trying to recoup costs by jacking up the prices. They didn't know that the movie was gonna suck.