ordered this one too
If HT figured this wouldn't move then why are they making the rest of the Sucker Punch girls? Thats what I've read anyways.
I think Hot Toys got the license B4 the movie came out and trying to recoup costs by jacking up the prices. They didn't know that the movie was gonna suck.
Orderedn both Baby Doll and Amber from Cornerstorecomics.com for $152.99!!
Each, or was there some frequent buyer discount involved?
I ordered both. Can't resist those lovely Sucker Punch ladies. But oh you Hot Toys and yer crazy prices! :shakes fist:
Other places have it cheaper, but their estimated shipping cost is higher to ship to me, so it rounds out to be about the same, SSC it is for me$169.99 SSC![]()
Other places have it cheaper, but their estimated shipping cost is higher to ship to me, so it rounds out to be about the same, SSC it is for mePlus the reward points help
Speaking of shipping cost from SSC, it's around $25 to ship Iron Man (Secret Project), yet around $35 to ship SpidermanWassupwidat?
It's about 150USD here. This is the average pricing of a HT product three years ago!!! It's their cheapest female figure so far.
In fact, I am surprised they were priced this low. On average, HT prices have remained relatively the same with only slight increased recently.
I think the high prices you guys in the states are experiencing have more to do with the fact that retailers now knows how popular HTare and can afford to charge more for them as opposed to a few years back.
It's about 150USD here. This is the average pricing of a HT product three years ago!!! It's their cheapest female figure so far.
In fact, I am surprised they were priced this low. On average, HT prices have remained relatively the same with only slight increased recently.
I think the high prices you guys in the states are experiencing have more to do with the fact that retailers now knows how popular HTare and can afford to charge more for them as opposed to a few years back.
Cheaper female figures, I can name a few (well 3).... Saeko Nogami, Jill Valentine Battle suit, Sarah Connor. I'm surprise it's not lower to equal to Saeko Nogami's price.
Saeko Nogami and Sarah Connor is like 10 to 20 ringgit cheaper. That's less than 10usd difference. Point is, it is still a very low price for a HT figure.
I missed out one ... the cheapest HT female box figure... Black Widow, much greater than 10 USD difference
p.s. Sarah Connor @ PO is @ USD 10 difference than now (SP's prices)