I don't know any women anywhere in any time, especially those abused by their step father who would fantasize being in a skimy outfit with a sword fighting Dragons and robots to help them deal with the ordeal of abuse.
The skimpy outfits and monsters weren't her "happy place." They were constructs in a dreamworld she imagined to escape the horrors of her reality. Abuse and revealing clothes were obviously part of her real world and weren't altogether purged from her subconscious until the very end.
*That* was her fantasy, a land of nurturing father figures, modest attire, and understanding authorities. The world she imagined Sweet Pea living in.
I didn't find it sexist, and neither did my wife. In fact apart from some of the action sequences and the length of Baby Doll's skirt she thought it was actually more of a chick's movie. I certainly have never known any dudes who listened to Bjork.
Again, I enjoyed it. But I know what it is. It's a boy fantasy and nothing more.
To quote a character from the movie, "Really? Lobotomized vegetable? That's your fantasy?"