I'm still on the iphone 3G, i stopped upgrading to the latest newest model when it became apparent there'll be a new one shortly and it just wasn't worth it.
I'm sticking with my current until it breaks, new ones aren't worth the cost.
Feel the same way about 90% of these so called 'collectible' figures, Captain america TFA represents Cap for me just fine as does the T2 T800 and IM IV.
New figures of the same characters over and over just make all the excitement and hype and debate and quest for improvement before launch matter for nothing.
All the energy and time boardies put into discussing this figure is worthless as it'll be the old one to sell off soon enough.
I pretty much only buy original characters from HT these days, one that aren't likely to be made obselete with 2.0's and versions.
I generally agree with a lot of what you say Nova, but on this one...you are a bit off target, I think. Now, you are correct, there are some that buy figures and then sell them on very quickly - and if that's what keeps you interested or satisfies your space needs then that's just fine, nothing wrong with that at all. But I would suspect that this is
just too expensive a hobby for the majority to be doing that. I know that I don't think in those terms. Re your example Cap:A, I will get my AVENGERS version (eventually!) and that will probably be it for me and the Captain. If a straight classic comic version were made I would seriously consider it, but otherwise if the Avengers Cap:A was all I had, I'd still be fine with it...even though I really do like your CA:FA version too.
True story. An acquaintance of mine (new to the world of 1/6 figures...Nolan Bat specially) offered me £350 for my DX02 a few months ago - hence my quandary about selling it while things were good - but I did not. The reason being that I do not see these things as 'turn over' or 'product' or even '
potential sale', I get them because they mean something to me, reminders of better times, being a child, loads of things.
I don't know...I suppose of reflection, I was agreeing more than not!