But do you think its just the posing? I don't know that Id want to have this figure even if in some poses it looked like this lol Id rather they just fix it doesn't even look like a normal figure body under it weird
I agree that the sleeves are very distracting from the wonderful sculpt. I think all of our worries will go away once the figure is in hand!
I hope so! because I'm trying to idealize a diorama for both brothers fighting each other and it will be very, very disappointing if I cannot get a cool pose for Thor because of those sleeves.
Like I was saying earlier, this kind of thing happens all the time at these shows. They send in some guy who has no idea how to pose or assemble the product, with the results we see here. Poor Iron Man has it even worse.
Are you ____ing kidding me?
HT the proportions, LOOK AT THEM! Holy sheet... sure the arm sleeves are futzed bad, but the arms are still awful and his head size is laughable.
Their first skinny Thor looked MUCH more natural.
This is a great figure and looks awesome when put together right, some people who were at SDCC must be thinking HT arent very good and are overpriced with some of the posing and assembly of their figures there. Wasn't great PR for HT, but at least Loki, Cap and Hawkeye were looking amazing in the Avengers case
It's sad because they don't realize their lack of effort to put up a decent display can cause them to loose money this way, I've heard some people who actually decided to cancel certain HT figures after seeing what was shown at SDCC, they weren't just bluffing or whining either, they were genuinely disappointed at what they saw. Honestly I think if HT would have spent 10 secs to set up each figure properly it would have given a completely different reaction.
It's like what you said, it wasn't great PR for HT at all.. It's like HT didn't give a ____, they just flew in some random Aunt or Uncle from Hong Kong who have no clue what's going on, instruct them to open the luggage and put these "items" on their display table, then come fly right back so they don't miss dinner at 9.
Zero Effort.
This is hardly a fair and accurate comparison, but it gives us an idea. The proportions aren't that inaccurate really.
I made it a touch shorter as Hemsworth is stepping forward in the photo.
Even with futzing problems, the proportions are whacky as hell.