Hot Toys - MMS179 - The Amazing Spider-Man: Spider-Man

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I'm still waiting to hear about mine arriving in store. I expected it ages ago, but no problem. I do expect it before Christmas. Mind you, I am still waiting for Coulson as well. It just never arrived!
I will wait for folks that get theirs in hand before ordering to see if the shoulder problem really was fixed.

HAPPY TURKEY DAY to you too, Guyver!

Thanks Snoop for re-opening the thread.

Mine is due after the 20th too, so I doubt I will see it actually before the holiday. I suspect mine will arrive (along with the Mime Joker DX) in the short period between Christmas and New Year. Does not bother me one bit either!

:yess: :yess: :yess:

Did you take any pics of that bootleg Peter Parker HS? I'm itching to see some pics and get your thoughts on it, I may or may not get one based on your reccomendation
Is that goth electro on the right?

If they do Goblin, which they will since they introduced Osborne at the end of the first one, Gwen better be dying.

It could be real but it raises too many questions.

Why is Rhino depicted as being in a big battle with all villians when it's confirmed he'll have only one or two scenes?
Why is Electro in his hoodie from when he breaks out rather than his costume?
Why are their pics on all the screens?
The pic of Goblins face on the far right screen looks lifted from the comic page.
The two pics of Spidey on the bigscreens are exactly the same.

I do love the arrangement of all the villians facing him down with Spidey standing ready, thats awesome.
I think I'm in the minority, but I wish they kept the costume the same
Of course, The Hollywood machine won't allow that in modern day

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