Hot Toys - MMS179 - The Amazing Spider-Man: Spider-Man

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Well who the hell is that? We know it's not Norman or Harry Osbourne, it sure as hell isn't Jamie Foxx.

For all the world, it looks for all the world like Mr. Ifans again with all that scruffy blonde hair.
Modern movie trailers give way too much away.

That is true...But that's the only way to get people who aren't die hard fans to watch them. Sigh...still slightly upset by the avengers trailer where hulk catches Iron Man...if I didn't know that was coming, the ending of the NYC fight would have been spectacular.
Haha! I haven't seen Iron Man 3 but I don't hear very good things. Which is sad, because I remember the hate that the second one got. So that pretty much means that for a lot of people, they only liked the first one, yeah?

My biggest issue is the First one set up such a great potential story for the next 2... and when number 2 came out it went so far away from where I thought they could take it. still enjoyed the second one but the 3rd was so far off the mark ill never give it a second watch
PS: I will definitely be getting the ASM-II figures!!!!! Hell Yes! :yess:

Figures plural?

:lol :lol

I won't even let me set up myself for such heartache.

That is true...But that's the only way to get people who aren't die hard fans to watch them. Sigh...still slightly upset by the avengers trailer where hulk catches Iron Man...if I didn't know that was coming, the ending of the NYC fight would have been spectacular.

The DOFP trailer was critisised for not showing enough.

From the CA:TWS we already have seen parts of 90% of action scenes and know that the Helicarriers will crash.

Speaking of which aside from 'because it's like that in the comics' i can't see any reason for it to fly.
If it is attacked and sinks in the Ocean only the SHIELD people will die, if it is attacked in the air and falls it will kill all SHIELD people and half a city of people below.

Could be the Tinkerer?

Good call, that would make sense.
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Me too ...............

I do as well.
My problem is they are going to introduce Harry and have him turn against his friend in the course of one movie. It took almost 3 movies to build that arc up in the first trilogy. Not to mention It looks like a 3 villain film.
The DOFP trailer was critisised for not showing enough.

Really? I thought it showed enough for me to be still in the dark about the actual plot of the story, even after reading DOFP, but still made me very excited. I think the dark knight trailer did it really well to show us bits and pieces of the movie, but not spoiling how the movie will play out or important action scenes.


I hate it when trailers take scenes in chronological order of the movie and mash it into one.
you can bet your dangly parts that there will be more than one figure.

I definitely can't. This isn't Iron Man, remember. Hot Toys will be releasing Avengers figures nonstop for the next long while, I'd imagine. Spider-Man will continue to be one of those things that they just get around to whenever they feel like it. I'd be very surprised if they make more than one figure.
The big eyes make Spidey look so cute :lol "Its Chibi-Spidey!"

I kept thinking of this the whole time:


But I do like the overall brighter color scheme of the film. And it seems to to be a much more action oriented story than the snooze fest the first one was.