yup, and i think the "new" version has a lot of damage/scratches shown on the figure i.e around the crotch area, leg area
Probably just added paint/decals... Superficial add-ons....
I just hope HT solved this issue (redesign the Mk. 7 from the prototype):
new mark 7? or just new base?
edit: its a BD mark 7, limited to 800 in hk i guess..love the base though
they could've use that base for the hulk
Or that base would really look good with Cap.
yeah that too, ht should've give every avengers their own unique base..oh well
HT has decided to fix the removable parts in MMS185 to make this new Limited BD version special.
they could've use that base for the hulk
I agree, given the price these Avengers figures have come in at the least they could of done is provided diorama stands with each of them. I can see the BD Mrk VII stand alone going for big bucks on the secondary market
hope i can get the base somewhere cheap
Buy the figure, keep the base, sell everything else. It's the safest way.
Buy the figure, keep the base, sell everything else. It's the safest way.
keep the helmeted head as well as the repulsor hands too!
Im not amazed by the stand, if i end up buying one i'll sell the stand to make up for the price tag, unless its totally awesome in person which theres a high chance of that as we all know
What's all the talk of the standard MKVII not coming with replulsor hands??
Talk that the regular wont come with the repulsor hands?
IF Hot Toys is kind, they'll throw in the hands with the regular edition but it looks like they won't do that.