Super Freak
Those prices are pretty high, no? Toyzstudio only charges $13 I think.
loo Tony looks deranged
The Mk VII was always my least favourite Iron Man design by far, but for some reason it's suddenly growing on me. I think it's the insect-like quadruple air brakes.
Does the Iron man 3 Tony stark worship come with the corrected iron man head ?
I don't really get the hate on this head sculpt either, I see RDJ in it, though after getting other Hot Toys I do see some flaws in it. The expression is a little odd given that he became pretty serious while in the suit, it would have fit the Mark IV more due to how much he screwed around in it.View attachment 156139
Everybody hates this head sculpt, but I honestly don't think it's that bad.
Then again, I don't think any of HT's RDJ sculpts have quite nailed it like they did with Christopher Reeves, Johnny Depp, etc. Not even that new Arc Reactor Creation version has it quite right. I'd go as far as to say the old, old mech test version might be the closest they've ever come.
I like that sculpt. It's only the eyes that are wrong.
If you put glasses on the sculpt it totally looks like RDJ.