This BD Mark VII piece is a very interesting figure in the Iron Man completionist space.
This figure to me in the next year will be right there with the Silly Thing Mark III figure combining the terms of want, scarcity and favorite looking armor. I look at many new collectors coming into the hobby that started collecting from the Avengers line last year with the Mark VI, and the old collectors from the first pieces in 2008/2009.
I think Gen 1 and Gen 2, (if I were to label each group) will both value this piece as a centerpiece in their collections and make the secondary market for this figure skyrocket given the assumed low production.
The Gen 2 collectors will have serveral pieces from the Avengers and Iron Man 3 movies to display, but there is something special about this piece with the Battle Damaged look that raises this to the top if it were on the shelf. Gen 1 completionists obviously have incentive to get this and some I have seen and read on here may be bowing out of the lines all to gether with this plastic Mark VII as their last(Both BD and non BD) with no wants for the die cast series.
If these low production numbers hold you could see this thing going for $1,000+ USD in the coming year. Given the Mark VI promo pricing at $600-$700 at a 3,000 piece run. As a owner of every armor I feel this is the centerpiece in mine.
How do others feel about this piece in their IM collection?