I'm going to start this comment with
I understand people are upset about not getting the e-mail, but let's really get down to the brass tacks.
This figure was announced by Sideshow and it was going to be available sometime within two weeks of IM3 premiere stateside. Everyone who follows HT knows that figure launches occur sometime between 2-8PM (They close 8PM EST).
Armed with these facts, all you would have to do is check this board
1 time an hour or (7 times between 2-8PM). If this figure meant that much to you as a collector then I think with today's technology that is very little to ask of a person. Now for our friends out of the US they got screwed so even that would not have helped. Anyone else that is complaining about not getting e-mails has nobody to blame other than themselves. Yes, sideshow needs to get their **** together, but to blame that e-mail as to why you didn't get the figure is just passing the blame off yourself for not keeping up with the release. The figure sold out in 2 hours and I am 100% certain not all of the people that ordered it did because of an e-mail from sideshow.
Use it as a learning experience, the next time a figure is Exclusive and limited check this board 1 time an hour and you will not miss it.