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Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

It's me, thanks, took it down as this forum isn't the place(need a fig pic)
It can go bad but there are tons of positives, the confidence you gain by seeing the changes that you are making was very important to my development
How old is your boy?

our chris is 20 ,21 in feb , yeah your right ,he had a hard time in school ,with learning difficulties ,i work for myself for years as a satellite and tv Ariel rigger ,sadly i had to retire due to ill health ,always thought my boy would have a job with me forever but what with my health problems and work drying up ,well best laid plans of mice and men ,you know the rest ,so body building gives him a sense of worth ,hes totally against drugs ,so that one less thing to worry about and there's plenty of other pastimes that are troubling for parents lol ,this is him a couple of months ago
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

Let's get back on topic shall we?
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

i got mine yesterday ,honestly after the news yesterday ,i didnt bother to much with it ,but i thought Daron would be one of the first to want to see comparisons ,so here they are ,sorry for the crappy pics ,its still dark in leafy Cheshire , i think that supes make the rest look like teenagers by comparison ,in terms of height and size ,but other than the cape length i think all parts could be ported to a smaller figure or shorter ankle pegs to make him more compatible with earlier figures ,which to me is part of the fun of collecting ,spidey hanging out with supes ,thor and bats,

Thanks for posting Libby, I'm shooting for mine on Monday.

So how dark do the black stripes look in person and the dark collar?

Every pic it seems to varie in color, what are the actual colors?
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

wow sorry to put you out lol heres a couple of picture to make it up to you lol
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

the parts you mentioned are black ,not really metallic just a sort of glossy black ,looks good though
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

again id have to say black ,in hand the stripes are the same color as the wrist guards ,maybe not quite as glossy ,but still blackish or very dark charcoal grey
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

Is the cape wired libby?
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

no its not ,and its sort of sewn like the thor odin capes ,glued to a plastic form ,to preserve the pleats ,this means it naturally falls to the back of the figure ,im not sure im explaining this clearly but its hard to position the cape in a forward position
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

Minor nitpick though, I just now noticed his belt area is yellow, in the movie I think its more charcoal gray. No biggie, didn't even noticed til now, and easy fix if I want to mod it.

Actually it is yellow, just not bright yellow. In some shots it just appears grey.

Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

this is as far forward as the cape will come ,the pleats are permanent formed and cant be re positioned ,and heres how supes matches up to batman size wise
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

again id have to say black ,in hand the stripes are the same color as the wrist guards ,maybe not quite as glossy ,but still blackish or very dark charcoal grey

Ok thanks for clarifying that, man I wonder why HT of all people made the dark colors wrong. :slap

I hope when I see mine in person, I'll be happy with the darker colors, but I don't understand why they just didn't make the colors more silverfish blue like the film. It might be hard to get the proper paint scheme to customize the dark parts because they seem to change color in different lights in the film :gah:

For $200 You'd think HT will try to nail the proper colors.

Now you said the cape is not wired , is it posable at all?
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

this is as far forward as the cape will come ,the pleats are permanent formed and cant be re positioned ,and heres how supes matches up to batman size wise

Do you think he fits in a detolf with the flight stand? Even if you pose him so he's just a cm or 2 of the shelf?

Also, is it true that the flight stand may damage his suit if it's permanently posed like that?
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

Incredible pics Chris.
I bet you're happy to get this in hand finally.
I am loving the pics.
I'd love to see more side by side comparison pics to send my Brother(Like with any other HT figures you have to hand). He ordered one EMS from Timcent and is itching for it to arrive.

As an aside to anyone thinking of doing a MOS custom on a budget, i bought two of the Headplay sculpts a month or so back, removed the necks and put them on custom bodies. But i have since picked up a couple of HT MOS heads from my usual supplier and don't need the Headplay ones.
Anyone who wants one or both Headplay heads for free, i'd just ask for shipping costs paid(I modded them so they will fit on a normal neck, or they will go right onto a TTM19 or similar necked body), just PM me.



Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

From what I heard, that sculpted latex was based off of his actual beefed up muscular physique so while yes it is a rubber muscle suit, it's still Cavill's muscles

But it's on top of his physique? The chest area was a good inch and a half thick, as were the shoulder muscles. The abs were completely sculpted and attached/vacuformed inside the outer later of the suit.

No two ways of looking at it, Supes wore a very padded muscle suit, like a super sophisticated version of Keaton's batman suit.

Cavil was in amazing shape as well though.
Re: MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

But it's on top of his physique? The chest area was a good inch and a half thick, as were the shoulder muscles. The abs were completely sculpted and attached/vacuformed inside the outer later of the suit.

No two ways of looking at it, Supes wore a very padded muscle suit, like a super sophisticated version of Keaton's batman suit.

Cavil was in amazing shape as well though.

He beefed up for the topless shots but then trained down for the parts where he was going to wear the suit. It would probably be impossible to train up to that physique and then also be able to spend 8 to 10 hours a day acting and still have time to maintain the muscles.
But the fake muscles in the suit were based off his own larger physique if that makes any sense.