I hated it at first, because my expectations were extremely high and it did not even come close to meeting them. MOS has started to grow on me over time. I actually love the new superman look, I also think the darker mood of the movie works a some of the time, and emphasis on him being an alien is refreshingly different. Also I was glad they utilized the laser vision (I mean is it to much to ask for a superman with freakin laser beams shooting from his freakin head) But I also now see and understand the flaws that initially made me hate it so much.
First off the movie desperately needed more humor. I respect that they were going for a darker serious tone as opposed to the campier reeve movies, but this film desperately needed some levity. I agree with melkojunior about the angsty conflicted superman in MOS not working. The movie way over did the flash backs to superman's child hood, they brought very little to the movie and only served to make the story line seem less linear. When supes was talking to the priest about revealing himself to the world and they flashed to him being bullied as a kid I thought to myself jesus we get it, it was hard growing up as superman, now can we move on with the story. They made superman so conflicted he actually lets his adoptive father be sucked into a tornado. I don't care if he waved him off instructing him not to, that seen is just one of many I thought was done wrong. I also really hated that Jor El beat the crap out of Zod in the first act. Russell Crowe seems to have a brawling bad a$$ clause in all his film contracts, unfortunately this time demasculinizes the villain in the first 15 min of the film (Zod kinda need his masculinity to work).