What if a child dreamed of becoming something other than what society had intended? What if a child aspired to something greater?
Jor-El's entire idea was to say that Kryptonians could be what they wanted to be, when Doctrine said they couldn't.
What if Jor-El had studied fighting techniques, even though he wasn't supposed to?
And what if Jor-El was genetically engineered to be able to assimilate any technical knowledge? Even though he's *supposed* to be studying science, if he was willing to break one set of laws, he could have broken more.
It's not a stretch to me that Jor-El could have learned fighting techniques.
Or that Zod wouldn't have been prepared to fight a scientist on even terms.
I can accept that he may have secretly but if not following the intended path was qreatly frowned upon who did he study with? And, especially with fighting where did he get enough real world experience to successfully defeat a bred warrior(who was younger and stronger than JorEl)?