Hot Toys MMS233 -Predator 2 - 1/6th scale Elder Predator 2.0 Collectible Figure

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It happens I tell ya. If the figure was 100% perfect, people like you and me would be rejoicing whilst other people would be complaining about a pistol being too small when in fact the subject in question that weilds said pistol is an oversized reptillian humanoid hunter from space. :D
it doesn't happen.
you know why?
a) there was still no figure "just like from the movie"
b) the closest figure to this description - future HT robocop - is just "close enough to give a proper vibe", and have you seen anybody *****ting on it? have you seen me doing that for example? :D
no, people just accept it with pleasure, i haven't even seen anyone depicting all the inaccuracies. they are there, some of them are huge, but even the overall image is enough.
which means that, with such patience of collectors, "not enough" fact is a major sculpting fail. in 2013, when 3D-modelling and 3D printers are available and lots of unhired programmers and sculptors just don't know they are needed because numerous tsangs are somebody's weed buddies, we get "well ok" sculpts.

...and no, a wet, sleezy, drooling predator with soft skin is not a dry scaled reptilian keeping every drop of liquid inside the body. their covers and secretory systems are complete opposites.


funny thing: sellers on ebay still use tsang headed Grayback on their photos, though the face change was the second major event about this figure (naming its release itself the first event) :D
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it doesn't happen.
you know why?
a) there was still no figure "just like from the movie"
b) the closest figure to this description - future HT robocop - is just "close enough to give a proper vibe", and have you seen anybody *****ting on it? have you seen me doing that for example? :D
no, people just accept it with pleasure, i haven't even seen anyone depicting all the inaccuracies. they are there, some of them are huge, but even the overall image is enough.
which means that, with such patience of collectors, "not enough" fact is a major sculpting fail. in 2013, when 3D-modelling and 3D printers are available and lots of unhired programmers and sculptors just don't know they are needed because numerous tsangs are somebody's weed buddies, we get "well ok" sculpts.

...and no, a wet, sleezy, drooling predator with soft skin is not a dry scaled reptilian keeping every drop of liquid inside the body. their covers and secretory systems are complete opposites.


funny thing: sellers on ebay still use tsang headed Grayback on their photos, though the face change was the second major event about this figure (naming its release itself the first event) :D

I'm just saying. People will complain about something that is too accurate because they'd prefer it 'their way' sometimes too.

Heh, snakes are dry but they look wet.

:lol yep.
Tho pistol is important, it must be big enough!

Hue. Huehuehueheueheueheuhue.
Heh, snakes are dry but they look wet.

drool. impossible thing for a scaled creature developed for preserving water.


colored veins. impossible to see through scales.

frogs, not reptilians.

and i've had and held snakes and lizards, and they don't look wet. shiny doesn't equal wet. while frogs equal the predatorian soft wrinkling skin perfectly, yeah i kept them too :) including toads, who have skin parts looking like scales but they aren't.

reptilian skin:



frog skin:



predator skin: ...well you have movies and figures :)

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drool. impossible thing for a scaled creature developed for preserving water.


colored veins. impossible to see through scales.

frogs, not reptilians.

and i've had and held snakes and lizards, and they don't look wet. shiny doesn't equal wet. while frogs equal the predatorian soft wrinkling skin perfectly, yeah i lept them too :) including toads, who have skin parts looking like scales but they aren't.

Hmmm. Good point. Guess they are more amphibian-ish. But how do they live without water tho, considering? I mean they would need to have moisture to keep their water moist, no?

Also they do have those spikes. Komodo dragons drool quite a lot now that I think about it, too. Obviously they're not full reptilian, or full amphibian.
Hmmm. Good point. Guess they are more amphibian-ish. But how do they live without water tho, considering? I mean they would need to have moisture to keep their water moist, no?


another reason to be only in hot places but with water: jungle, not desert. if a city, let it stand on water, turning into steam from super hot temperature.
i don't say they are amphibian. for that they should have gills and closing mouths which they can never have :D
but i do say they are secreting lots of liquid (watch the movies, the costumes covered with ooze) - and are needing it in the air, see their own atmosphere.
amphibians need water and can live in pools, predators seem to need and live in fog. i cannot imagine a diving predator, he doesn't have a proper face construction - closing mouth, nose on the top point. he's not a swimmer. he's a sauna fan :)
imagine we had no deep oceans but had same amount of water, widely spread in atmosphere. no need for developing scales in what they walk in and breath with.



see how they are capable of completely shutting mouths and putting nostrils above water. impossible for a predator. not a diver - not an amphibian in earth meaning. but clearly a moistured creature, not dry.
p.s. actually hippo skin looks like a predator, too :)
may be, may be. but no snakes.
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Ooh Ooh maybe they breathe through their skin! Like amphibians do. That explains the lack of nostrils.
I imagine them having vaguely amphibian characteristics: lots of mucus, comfortable in humid environments, and also being ectothermic. I don't see Preds being warm blooded, despite what the media portrays of them. I can't remember if AvP had them showing intense heat signatures or not.
I imagine them having vaguely amphibian characteristics: lots of mucus, comfortable in humid environments, and also being ectothermic. I don't see Preds being warm blooded, despite what the media portrays of them. I can't remember if AvP had them showing intense heat signatures or not.

What does the media portray of them? Remember the blue skin in the heat vision during the original Predator?

Honestly I couldn't care less what AVP showed.:lol Not canon, for me at least.
Ooh Ooh maybe they breathe through their skin! Like amphibians do. That explains the lack of nostrils.
wouldn't say that. they don't look like using outer suits. if they were able to breathe through skin a lot, there is a danger of getting dangerous gases or bacteria from another planet. they should have a great immune system (or medicine). well, who said they don't? guys have a spaceship exit between nozzles + no intermediate chamber, getting all space and drive radiation. may be they ignore sepsis :D
as for me, i always thought that their big, never closing mouth is constructed specially for breathing great amounts of wet gas. it seems to me that it's harder to breath with lots of water in the air => bigger mouth with no ability to close it ever, even when a creature is unconcsious or sleeps.

I imagine them having vaguely amphibian characteristics: lots of mucus, comfortable in humid environments, and also being ectothermic. I don't see Preds being warm blooded, despite what the media portrays of them. I can't remember if AvP had them showing intense heat signatures or not.
P1 had blue skin in pred vision.
predator 2 had mostly blue arms (in a metro scene), but sometimes everything was red - armor, palm, Leona.
i usually use another argument: Keese soldiers (did i name him correctly?) used lots of ways to indicate a predator. they even had to catch its smell (feromones). but they didn't put the simplest thing - thermo scaner, though they knew a predator uses one. so at least P2 shows their temperature equals surrounding atmosphere.
p.s. another funny physiology offtopic thing - predators definitely have no idea of smell, as Arnie creased in disgust when a predator crawled behind, while the predator himself didn't even think about smell giving out his position :D
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wouldn't say that. they don't look like using outer suits. if they were able to breathe through skin a lot, there is a danger of getting dangerous gases or bacteria from another planet. they should have a great immune system (or medicine). well, who said they don't? guys have a spaceship exit between nozzles + no intermediate chamber, getting all space and drive radiation. may be they ignore sepsis :D
as for me, i always thought that their big, never closing mouth is constructed specially for breathing great amounts of wet gas. it seems to me that it's harder to breath with lots of water in the air => bigger mouth with no ability to close it ever, even when a creature is unconcsious or sleeps.

Ahh yes that makes sense with the breathing straight through the mouth. They look constructed much in the shape of an ear lobe (or whatever that part is that spirals?) perhaps for condensation of liquid or something. Maybe their technology advanced so much that their faces evolved to be dependant on the masks for certain functions. Unrelated, but just thinking out loud.
Maybe their technology advanced so much that their faces evolved to be dependant on the masks for certain functions. Unrelated, but just thinking out loud.
easily. wide variety of small, not used extra fingers/teeth shows they have mutation damages, thus i believe they might have tried to reconstruct themselves a little.
and being blind and deaf and relying on electronics (remember Borg with wires going straight into head?) might be not "being" but "turning into due to too much relying on electronic enhancers" :D
p.s. do you know that predators do have ears? Marut likely found them. strange that they are not covered with the helmet but rely on electronically enhanced data.

of course those might be some other organs. before i saw those pics i thought that their ears are covered with skin, like on turtles.
easily. wide variety of small, not used extra fingers/teeth shows they have mutation damages, thus i believe they might have tried to reconstruct themselves a little.
and being blind and deaf and relying on electronics (remember Borg with wires going straight into head?) might be not "being" but "turning into due to too much relying on electronic enhancers" :D

Yep seems to make sense. Didn't know that about Borg but I suppose when they are severely injured in a hunt they would get cybernetic replacements of sorts.
i might have mistaken poorly made Borg's thin quills for wires. cannot find that picture no so won't insist.
more toad skin with visible small veins on the surface of non-scaled skin.



black armor. black, Hot Toys! black like tsang's soul!



not a problem and even a pleasure for experienced painters like dedguy, but a great trouble for me. i painted my previous Grayback's armor, but today the level of stock body paint just is too high for me to match it.

p.s. just have seen another inaccuracy.
movie suit has no space between groin belts (from the central armor to hip armors) and the main belt.
HT pred has a hole there, slightly covered with skirt material.
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p.s. do you know that predators do have ears? Marut likely found them. strange that they are not covered with the helmet but rely on electronically enhanced data.

of course those might be some other organs. before i saw those pics i thought that their ears are covered with skin, like on turtles.

Whoa that is a cool finding.:lol I thought they heard from inside their helmets too, seeing as how distorted the sounds were. The more I look at those pics the more disturbed I am with this discovery for some reason. xD Just looks weird with those ears. Cannot unsee.

Seem i'm in the reptile forum :lol

Amphibian. :monkey3
well... they are at proper place at least - behind the jaws :)

...see how pointless we were :rotfl

You are trying to prove that an alien from another world is an amphibian from earth and not a reptile from earth, so ya you are pointless but not for the reason that your egomaniac brain thinks :slap :lol