1/6 Hot Toys - MMS274 - TDKR - John Blake with Bat-Signal 1/6th scale Collectible Set

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Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

Wow, more than 50,000 views while there wasn't even a real figure teaser yet.
It's about time imo! :impatient: :lol
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Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

@ DiFabio... I had a HUUUUGGGEEE reply (seriously, a friggin' book) addressing each of your points, but really, who wants to read that many words? (I saved it though, just in case someone is a glutton for torture) Instead of posting that I'll just jump to what I think is the most important point:

Like I said, it's not about "BATMAN DUN IT" or "BATMAN DIDN'T DO IT", it's about an investigation. Investigating the death of Maroni. Investigating Ramirez. Investigating Wuertz. Investigating the hospital scene. Investigating Dent's murder. Investigating the folks at the Pruitt building who were FROM the hospital. Speaking with the Joker. Speaking with Coleman Reese who has ties to the Batman.

I'm not disputing that there would be an investigation. The thing is I'm no longer clear on your position. In earlier posts, it seemed that you believed the ending of TDK made sense, and you are just disappointed that TDKR didn't show what happened in the immediate aftermath (the investigations) But now it seems that you are tearing the ending of TDK apart as not making sense, even if you ignore TDKR.

In your ideal third film, Bruce had not retired from being Batman right after TDK, correct? In your perfect Batman 3 he kept fighting crime while running from the cops "because he can take it". But now you're saying Coleman Reese probably turned him in? How would both of those things possibly be true? :dunno
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

Dark magic you made many great points but some men you just can't reason with, some men just want to watch the thread burn :rotfl
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

Wow, more than 50,000 views while there wasn't even a real figure teaser yet.
It's aboout time imo! :impatient: :lol

It's Blake's thread by the way
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

Not necessarily, because that's not what I was proposing. You emphasized more by going what was depicted on screen, not I. Do we the audience need to be shown that Reese may have duplicates of the schematics of Batman's armory or can at the very least obtain some? No. Can we draw a conclusion that he may possibly have something to corroborate it based off the fact that he's A. Willing to go on live television to accuse one of the wealthiest men in the world and B. That Joker on some level sees Reese that much of a threat in possibly outing Batman that he tries to have him killed. It would make absolutely zero sense for Reese to go on the air after relinquishing his only
leverage and proof to Fox and accuse a powerhouse like Wayne. To make such a strong and accusation with absolutely nothing to back it would be asinine on his part.

Yes, it would be asinine on his part. And yet, rushing headfirst into situations that he can't handle without first thinking it through is exactly his M.O. See: his blackmailing attempt. It is absolutely in keeping with what we've seen from him before that he didn't plan this out thoroughly. Before he goes to TV, the last thing that happens with him is he walks away in defeat after giving up the Tumbler plans. He knows he lost. You think Fox kept him employed there after the blackmail attempt? He later decides to change his mind and go on TV to reveal Bruce's secret. Sure, if only he was the type of guy who thought things through, I might agree with you that he planned ahead to have copies of the proof, even though he gave it to Fox. But it's established that he isn't that smart. I guess he "evolved" into a smarter guy (retroactively, of course, since he would have had to have made the copies BEFORE he gave the plans to Fox---which means he would have learned his lesson that he should plan better from the confrontation with Fox---before his confrontation with Fox :lol)

It's interesting that you are perfectly willing to accept something like this probably happened offscreen (even though we see no aftermath of this being the case onscreen), yet you refuse to accept that the LOS discovered the existence and precise location of Batman's armory offscreen (even though we DO see the direct aftermath of this occuring onscreen). Your argument that Reese has copies hinges on
Do we the audience need to be shown...
but in the second instance, my argument that we don't need to see exactly how the LOS discovered the location of the armory is
apologetic fan fiction all to accommodate what some could consider shoddy writing...
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

If hot toys makes Blake, I would definitely like to see the police uniform over the detective one. The cop uniform is more of a stand out look and it's how I remember him most, plus it would look better as a figure i think.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

If hot toys makes Blake, I would definitely like to see the police uniform over the detective one. The cop uniform is more of a stand out look and it's how I remember him most, plus it would look better as a figure i think.

Same here! Other looks could be kitbashed easier than the police uniform.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

Yes, it would be asinine on his part. And yet, rushing headfirst into situations that he can't handle without first thinking it through is exactly his M.O. See: his blackmailing attempt.

Precisely and in lieu of this fact one would think that he would rethink his methods prior to going on national television lacking any evidence as you've asserted.

It is absolutely in keeping with what we've seen from him before that he didn't plan this out thoroughly. Before he goes to TV, the last thing that happens with him is he walks away in defeat after giving up the Tumbler plans. He knows he lost.

Confronting Fox was one failed attempt. You make it seem as if he's done it numerous times.

But it's established that he isn't that smart. I guess he "evolved" into a smarter guy (retroactively, of course, since he would have had to have made the copies BEFORE he gave the plans to Fox---which means he would have learned his lesson that he should plan better from the confrontation with Fox---before his confrontation with Fox :lol)

Its been established? How? you're gauging his acuity purely from a single incident that didn't go right?:slap

It's interesting that you are perfectly willing to accept something like this probably happened offscreen (even though we see no aftermath of this being the case onscreen), yet you refuse to accept that the LOS discovered the existence and precise location of Batman's armory offscreen (even though we DO see the direct aftermath of this occuring onscreen). Your argument that Reese has copies hinges on

but in the second instance, my argument that we don't need to see exactly how the LOS discovered the location of the armory is

Now you're purposely being dishonest. You're deceitfully attempting to pin something on me that you yourself of was guilty from the onset.
I brought this to your attention in my previous reply now you're backpedaling by accusing me of doing it. I even specifically stated that I didn't
disregard your far fetched explanation of how Bane knew the whereabouts of Batman's armory.

"Again what you propose is conjecture that was never seen nor mentioned in TDKR, but I wouldn't inherently dismiss it out of the realm of possibility even though it sounds far fetched. Unfortunately with the C. Reese discussion others that believe it to be an unresolved loose end in the search for Batman aren't afforded that same luxury":-Azrael

While you were more than casually willing to be dismissive of the Reese argument in favor of things depicted on onscreen, you had no qualms with completely fabricate an entire scenario based upon nothing depicted on screen when it came to the hidden armory. You clearly want it both ways.

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Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

Precisely and in lieu of this fact one would think that he would rethink his methods prior to going on national television lacking any evidence as you've asserted.

Confronting Fox was one failed attempt. You make it seem as if he's done it numerous times.

Its been established? How? you're gauging his acuity purely from a single incident that didn't go right?:slap

At least I'm basing it on something we've seen of the character. On what are you basing your position that Reese thinks things through and sufficiently plans before acting? More stuff that "probably happened" offscreen (and that would run directly counter to what we have seen of him onscreen) that show his planning skills? :dunno

We're at least agreeing that Reese didn't plan well before his blackmail attempt with Fox, right?
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

Yes, it would be asinine on his part. And yet, rushing headfirst into situations that he can't handle without first thinking it through is exactly his M.O. See: his blackmailing attempt. It is absolutely in keeping with what we've seen from him before that he didn't plan this out thoroughly. Before he goes to TV, the last thing that happens with him is he walks away in defeat after giving up the Tumbler plans. He knows he lost. You think Fox kept him employed there after the blackmail attempt? He later decides to change his mind and go on TV to reveal Bruce's secret. Sure, if only he was the type of guy who thought things through, I might agree with you that he planned ahead to have copies of the proof, even though he gave it to Fox. But it's established that he isn't that smart. I guess he "evolved" into a smarter guy (retroactively, of course, since he would have had to have made the copies BEFORE he gave the plans to Fox---which means he would have learned his lesson that he should plan better from the confrontation with Fox---before his confrontation with Fox :lol)

It's interesting that you are perfectly willing to accept something like this probably happened offscreen (even though we see no aftermath of this being the case onscreen), yet you refuse to accept that the LOS discovered the existence and precise location of Batman's armory offscreen (even though we DO see the direct aftermath of this occuring onscreen). Your argument that Reese has copies hinges on but in the second instance, my argument that we don't need to see exactly how the LOS discovered the location of the armory is :slap
:exactly: 100% agree. The LOS found the armory because Talia was on the Wayne board and also Fox showed her where the Energy Project was. She got the intel and then told Bane. And the purpose not to show us Bane finding the armory is because after he defeated batman in the sewers, we the audience are shocked Bane found it, just like Bruce was. We are supposed to feel shock there. If we had a scene showing Bane stumbling upon the armory, that fight scene showing he beaten Bruce wouldn't be as effective. So you as the viewer realize, Holy Crap!!! he found it, how??? Then at the end you find out its because of Talia was behind it all.

Magician doesn't show how he does the trick, but you put it together with your mind not even realizing it. It all goes back again to the prestige.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

Now you're purposely being dishonest. You're deceitfully attempting to pin something on me that you yourself of was guilty from the onset.
I brought this to your attention in my previous reply now you're backpedaling by accusing me of doing it. I even specifically stated that I didn't
disregard your far fetched explanation of how Bane knew the whereabouts of Batman's armory.

"Again what you propose is conjecture that was never seen nor mentioned in TDKR, but I wouldn't inherently dismiss it out of the realm of possibility even though it sounds far fetched. Unfortunately with the C. Reese discussion others that believe it to be an unresolved loose end in the search for Batman aren't afforded that same luxury":-Azrael

While you were more than casually willing to be dismissive of the Reese argument in favor of things depicted on onscreen, you had no qualms with completely fabricate an entire scenario based upon nothing depicted on screen when it came to the hidden armory. You clearly want it both ways.


No. Like I said (using other words) what we see definitively happened onscreen (Bane and the LOS are under the armory--this is a fact of the film, this is not in dispute) must be the result of something that happened offscreen. At some point in the past, somehow, someway, they found precisely the location of the armory. Call it lazy/shoddy writing not to show us (tell us) exactly how and when this happened if you want, but it's not really a question that it DID HAPPEN, is it?

Now let's look at your Reese example. It's the opposite. There is no direct onscreen evidence that shows that Reese still had copies or any other evidence of Batman's identity in his possession after the confrontation with Fox, is there? There is direct evidence that the LOS somehow found the Wayne Enterprises armory (they are INDISPUTABLY under it) yet there is no direct evidence for your claim that Reese "must have" evidence.

I can show you the scene that proves the LOS found the armory, can you show me the scene that proves Reese kept some evidence of Batman's identity? If you could it wouldn't be disputable.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

Bane was underneath the armory before Talia was ever granted permission to see the bomb though. So Talia seeing the nuclear bomb has nothing to do with it.

The LoS just knew to build and work underneath it. Just like Blake JUST knew that Bruce was Batman. Just like the lie JUST worked.

Right, and I agree with you here. It's not necessarily that Talia told Bane where the armory was (the bomb location wasn't even in the same place anyway), but the LOS did somehow, someway find out about the existence and precise location of it. Knowing that Bruce was Batman is not exactly a big neon arrow to the exact spot of course, but that information was probably of some help.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

Who's to say Talia wasn't snooping around while Fox wasn't around? She worked there and already knew Wayne was Batman. She probably could have at the least gotten an idea as to where the applied sciences division was being hidden.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

Same here! Other looks could be kitbashed easier than the police uniform.

But I prefer to put figures together a s a scene, and mostly Blake fits Gordon and Batman when he wears casual detective outfit. He actually was in a uniform only in a couple of scenes.
But I vote for both outfits, as I stated before.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

Bane was underneath the armory before Talia was ever granted permission to see the bomb though. So Talia seeing the nuclear bomb has nothing to do with it.

The LoS just knew to build and work underneath it. Just like Blake JUST knew that Bruce was Batman. Just like the lie JUST worked.

No Fox showed Talia where the Energy Project was well before Bane fought Bruce underneath the armory. Her goal was to get information out of Bruce. Yes Bane was in the tunnels for a number of reasons, set up explosives all over the city, lure the police in, find Wayne's tech and Energy Project, etc etc...But this was all part of her plan. They were in the tunnels on purpose.. The Energy Project was there somewhere, they were looking for it. Thats why Talia was asking over & over about it, she wanted to get it from the very start before they even captured Dr. Pavel.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

Not to keep this argument going but the league of shadows was a secret ancient order that molded the world how and when it wanted, they destroyed empires, finding one mans secret armory would be easy. Add in the fact that they trained Bruce Wayne, knew exactly who he was and tracked him down in batman begins and destroyed his mansion. The league of shadows was not destroyed only ras was, they could of sent assassins after bruce but they wanted gothems soul and destroying empires takes time, they had lots of time to plan out gothems destruction after batman defeated them the first time,so of course they had plenty of time to find his armory, they are an army of ninja for gods sake. And even if all these facts hadn't been laid out plainly in the movies and the league of shadows had no idea who Bruce Wayne or batman was, it would still make sense because an organization like that would have no problem figuring it out. They destroyed civilizations and sabotaged governments, they would be good at finding secrets.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

That makes Fox look like an idiot. I'd rather not have to think that considering I very much enjoy his character.
How exactly does that make him look like an idiot? She works there for a period of time, gains the trust of Fox and other Wayne Enterprises employees, and eventually makes excuses to stay late or whatever to investigate the premises. She knows Bruce's secret already and would just need to figure out where he's hiding his secrets. She wouldn't gain access since Fox had applied sciences sealed off but if she's familiar with the building and the grounds it's built on she could at least get an idea where it is.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

At least I'm basing it on something we've seen of the character. On what are you basing your position that Reese thinks things through and sufficiently plans before acting? More stuff that "probably happened" offscreen (and that would run directly counter to what we have seen of him onscreen) that show his planning skills? :dunno

And when pray tell did my argument shift to Reese being methodical? . I'm not the one making an absolute character assessment based off a single incident. Its like you're purposely misrepresenting the meaning of my words simply to defend a film.

No. Like I said (using other words) what we see definitively happened onscreen (Bane and the LOS are under the armory--this is a fact of the film, this is not in dispute) must be the result of something that happened offscreen. At some point in the past, somehow, someway, they found precisely the location of the armory. Call it lazy/shoddy writing not to show us (tell us) exactly how and when this happened if you want, but it's not really a question that it DID HAPPEN, is it?

Bane under the armory was never being contested, how Bane obtained the knowledge that got him under the armory is
what was being questioned. Whether it happened the way you asserted is conjecture, nothing more, nothing less.

Now let's look at your Reese example. It's the opposite. There is no direct onscreen evidence that shows that Reese still had copies or any other evidence of Batman's identity in his possession after the confrontation with Fox, is there?

He's on the news speaking to Engel ready to spill the beans, correct? If so then he has to have
some evidence correct? unless he expects Gotham and Engel to take his word for it. Is there direct onscreen evidence
substantiating my example other than Reese appearing on the news? (which is depicted onscreen) No, but then again there is no
evidence of your example either than the LOS appearing under the armory (which is also depicted onscreen)

I can show you the scene that proves the LOS found the armory, can you show me the scene that proves Reese kept some evidence of Batman's identity? If you could it wouldn't be disputable.

Once again, whose disputing the LOS found the armory? Why do you keep insisting that that is what's in dispute? The dispute hinges on how they obtained information on an armory purportedly "off the books". You have nothing but conjecture which you arrived to based off the fact that the LOS is under the armory. Just like I drew the conclusion that Coleman Reese kept something that incriminates Bruce to the point in which he is on live television about to out his former employer and the wealthiest man in the city.
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Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

And when pray tell did my argument shift to Reese being methodical? I never. I'm not the one making an absolute character assessment based off a single incident. Its like you're purposely misrepresenting the meaning of my words simply to defend a film.

I asked a question. I am not purposely trying to misrepresent you. Here to make it clear, I'll just ask you a direct question so you can make your stance clear, because obviously I didn't get it right:

Do you believe that Reese is being methodical or not?
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Detective John Blake ??

How does it make him look like an idiot? Well, considering the fact that he was alerted of a break in when Batman was in there in Dark Knight, I would hope he'd be a notified and do the same if Tate was "snooping" around. I mean, the entrance was right in Fox's office. You had to take different doors AND travel an elevator. If she knows that, well, that's pretty bad.
As I said she didn't have to access the applied sciences division but certainly the entire building isn't sealed off. She becomes familiar enough with the building and the grounds and could potentially deduce where something could be hidden. It isn't that far fetched but I'm convinced you'll make any argument to put down The Dark Knight Rises. I get you don't like it but does every last detail have to be shown for it to make sense to you. Some things you can piece together on your own.