Received mine and soooo glad I picked it up. The coupon put me over the edge but also because I don't know if we'll see another one of these made. Fantastic just like the other HT stormies.
We will NEVER see another one of these made! It's an awesome figure, clean classic Stormtrooper with a twist. Anyone who sees it is always intrigued by it.
It's always this when a friend sees mine.
Friend: "What is this some EU Star Wars ********?"
Me: "No, the Spacetrooper is real. The backpack, the breathing hose, the large rifle, all of it."
Friend: "So they were in the movie?"
Me: "Yeah, see this scene, those two little guys down there. Wait you missed it, let me rewind."
Friend: "How much do these figures cost again?"
20 % off this guy with the code OSCAR2016.
The OSCAR2016 code is for $20 off, not 20%.
20 % off this guy with the code OSCAR2016.
Yeah, I meant auctions for eBay. Last couple sold for $212/$235 shipped so with patience, like you say, someone might be able to get a second for a good price. Popcultcha is a good option though, that's a great shop, didn't realize they still had this one. I picked up a second Luke Stormtrooper from them for customizing since the same limit applied for him from SS.