Super Freak
I wonder if Hot Toys finally wised up and cut production numbers, and that's why figures are waitlisting quickly... Or if they're just that popular.
Combination of both I think.
This is gonna sound really dumb, but I removed the faceplate to put the snarling one in and now I can't get either of them back on properly. Am I missing something (obviously am!)
Be a bit more specific if you can. They won't stick on or they go on crooked? If the latter, you just have to move it around until it lines up with the correct grooves of the helmet.
So I just played around with my newly arrived Cap and much to my significant surprise, I like the AoU Cap much better. The CW is still a great figure but I would never sell my AoU Cap for this one. A couple of differences:
AoU Cap is bigger. He's not taller but he's bigger. His torso seems thicker and his hands are definitely bigger. In fact I think the head may even be smaller on the CW version. At the same time, the CW Cap feels and looks more padded and less naturally muscular. Where the AoU one looks well built, the CW one looks well padded.
The colors are darker and more muted in the CW as well. That will be a selling point for many but for my tastes, I prefer the more comic book, brighter colors of the AoU Cap.
Where the CW Cap excels is in the suit. The knees bend better, the articulation is better and the suit is a better, more flexible material. The pants don't ride up as high and allow him split his legs very wide and the belt is so much better. The pouches are smaller and won't be constantly falling off.
And of course, the shield. While I will miss the ease of the magnets, this shield looks great. Awesome feel, awesome paint, great detail.
I am a HUGE Cap fan so I am glad to own both but if you have AoU and are on the fence, personally I would say just keep the AoU version and skip this. OR buy both and put the CW pants on the Aou version..
Ah, interesting assessment.
I actually think CW Cap is bigger and the proportions are a bit better. I can kind of see what you mean about it looking more padded, but I think that has more to do with the construction and the style of the suit. He has that large armor piece that covers his entire back.
Articulation on this is better and the pants especially are much better. I actually think it's the other way around; the pants on the ass of this figure fit a bit more snug, whereas the pants on the AoU figure are a bit baggy and seem to hang down off of his ass a bit. I do like this belt a lot better as well.
I'd personally sell AoU for this version. The suit colors are a matter of personal preference, but I do think overall this one is the slightly better figure. Fortunately though, I'm keeping both.