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Remind me again what thread this is. I thought it was the Harley Quinn figure thread, but all I see is a bunch of crap about whose pet Joker is better.

Conversations are organic and they go where they go. The purpose of threads is ease of access, not restriction. Rest assured, Harley will continue to get plenty of love in here.
Conversations are organic and they go where they go. The purpose of threads is ease of access, not restriction. Rest assured, Harley will continue to get plenty of love in here.

Actually, the purpose of threads is discussion on a particular topic and this thread has veered off topic. There are threads for the Joker and there are threads for the movies. That is where discussions on those topics belong. But, I am not going to continue to argue about it.
if we were discussing darth vader, i'd agree. but we're discussing something straight from Suicide Squad. we're in our lanes.
My point? The joker is an always evolving character to what society needs him to be. Imagine Nicholson's Joker in SS. It wouldn't work. Does that mean it's worse? No. It means it's outdated.


Plus, I find the Nicholson Joker's facial appliances so immersion-breaking.

I didn't like Letoker much at first, either. But he grew on me.

In other news, I am still looking forward to HT Harley, meanwhile I managed to get my hands on the DC statue version, which for what it is, is GORGEOUS. But that's a statue, so I wont post pix here. :wink1:
Hahahaha... Good one.

I managed to snag one of those as well, has me thinking if I even need the HT of her. :lol

The truth is you probably don't need the HT. With the sculpt the figure has you are limited to the poses you can actually put her in without it looking weird. Sucks too because she doesn't really make that face in the movie. It is pretty much just promo photos. Debating cancelling my ex
Actually, the purpose of threads is discussion on a particular topic and this thread has veered off topic. There are threads for the Joker and there are threads for the movies. That is where discussions on those topics belong. But, I am not going to continue to argue about it.

A place for everything and everything in its place...
How boring. That isn't how people engage in the flesh; conversations are dynamic and they spawn new directions in real time. To rein in discourse forfeits the thing that makes it worthwhile: malleability. But I do appreciate your objection because it is perfectly valid...as an organic progression of the conversation. Ultimately, the Harley figure isn't out yet and might not be for some time, so what is talk of the Joker actually costing the team?
There's no news about the figure. If there was, everyone would be talking about that instead; don't you think?

It's fine.
I just watched it again - I've yet to see the extended cut.

I wrestle with this movie, because it -has- a lot of good things in it, but there is some flow or some break that keeps it from being good child of the DCU. I've even accepted the Leto Joker look (minus the damaged tattoo, still looks silly) - but he did not get his chance to stretch his legs as the character. The biggest faux pas he made is that stupid, stupid parody voice. It sounded like complete caricature. Overacting. The man has talent, if he had only channeled influence from Hammil's Joker, I think everyone would have been singing a different tune. Even that "hunka hunka line" delivered like Hammil's would have been acceptable. A great many of the people that are models for this Joker speak in dialects and tones that are borderline incomprehensible - no reason Leto's Joker couldn't speak eloquently, it would be just as obscure. Troy Baker managed to pull that off in Arkham Origins and still modernize him. And Leto can save it too - he presented a Joker with borderline personality disorder, he could easily just "switch" into that persona, and boom. We rectify the problem.

But I digress. Harley still stole the show, and rightfully she should headline her own film. I want to see more interaction between her and Batfleck.
Looks like we are getting Gotham Sirens instead. And while I am totally down with that - imagine the statues and HT products that'll come out of that! Catwoman AND Ivy AND Harl, o my!! multiple costumes and let the fun begin..... I STILL want a Harley/Joker film, I just Want. It.

I don't know if I would call Joker a borderline. Borderlines are SEVERELY UNLIKEABLE PEOPLE. I think he's more of an antisocial type - antisocial in the psychological sense, as in he does things that are not socially acceptable. Yet he has a considerable amount of charisma..... he has a way of drawing people to him. I work with borderline personalities and I can tell you... they're no fun. At least Joker is making you laugh while he tries to blow up a ferry full of innocent commuters.

This is my favorite scene with Leto, if he talked like this through the entire film, I'd probably like him a lot.

I just watched TDK again after 8 years, I still hate Ledgers performance.

This is my favorite scene with Leto, if he talked like this through the entire film, I'd probably like him a lot.

I just watched TDK again after 8 years, I still hate Ledgers performance.

This bird.. Is baked. Really...
The hate for Ledgers Joker is incomprehensible to me but to each his own. His is the only Joker that has ever genuinely scared me. The rest are too hammy to carry any real menace.

I'd agree with what has already been stated on this thread and have much more interest in seeing Harley interact with Batman than this version of the Joker from now on. Hopefully Affleck will concentrate on the other great Batman villains for his solo movies.
The hate for Ledgers Joker is incomprehensible to me but to each his own. His is the only Joker that has ever genuinely scared me. The rest are too hammy to carry any real menace.

I'd agree with what has already been stated on this thread and have much more interest in seeing Harley interact with Batman than this version of the Joker from now on. Hopefully Affleck will concentrate on the other great Batman villains for his solo movies.

Man I agree, I enjoyed the movie, but Ironically, the two weakest characters for me was Leto and Will Smith.
Leto's Joker is forced to me...I never get the sense of dread, or amusement with the character like with Heath.
And Will Smith, its like Will Smith as Deadshot. To me, a good actor or casting is when the actor disappears into the role.
This was my fear when Afleck was cast as Batman. But afleck proved me wrong fortunately.

But for me, Leto and Smith never disappeared into the role. I was actually happy initially when they cast Leto cause I thought he would
bring something different to the table as Joker. But for me personally, it was cringy.
And Smith...meh.

Harley was the saving grace and the rest of the gang was pretty great. And I loved the music. Overall, I enjoyed the movie...just ironic the two leading male
characters were my weakest link.
Robbie didn't disappear in the role of Harley to me. I'm surprised at how much praise she gets. She's fine but not really a great take on the character. It's more like she's the only live action interpretation we have at this point so there's no one to compare her to. When I see her I see an actress acting not a character. She's not as bad as Leto but overall pretty meh.