1/6 Hot Toys - MMS409 - Suicide Squad - Batman (Rebreather Version) Collectible Figure

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Maybe those people who got cancelled has an expired credit card saved on their account. I know I almost forgot to change my payment info when I was rushing to PO this. Good thing I noticed it. I was in a gym when the orders started so I panicked a little bit.
I would not be surprised if once this moves from the prototype stage it is actually a little different than the B v S version beyond just the cape. The promo pictures were probably taken with the B v S model but there is no guarantee that that is what Hot Toys will actually ship...would not surprise me if when in hand pictures come out (maybe later this year) we see some differences / improvements over the other version...hence the delay...if it was as simple as just making new stands and capes this would probably be listed as a July / August release.
I would not be surprised if once this moves from the prototype stage it is actually a little different than the B v S version beyond just the cape. The promo pictures were probably taken with the B v S model but there is no guarantee that that is what Hot Toys will actually ship...would not surprise me if when in hand pictures come out (maybe later this year) we see some differences / improvements over the other version...hence the delay...if it was as simple as just making new stands and capes this would probably be listed as a July / August release.

Great point. Think I will keep my waitlist conversion.
Mel Gibson eyed for suicide squad 2

I would be interested to see what he does with it. I would much rather he and George Miller made a Mad Max film together.
It would be like a master and apprentice except it is two masters. Could you imagine Miller's practical gritty look with Gibson's intense Apocalypto drama with some good old fashion kinsman banter like in Braveheart.

If Mel does take the gig. How many executives at WB would be able to tell him what direction to take and would he take any of their advice on how he should make the movie.
I would be interested to see what he does with it. I would much rather he and George Miller made a Mad Max film together.
It would be like a master and apprentice except it is two masters. Could you imagine Miller's practical gritty look with Gibson's intense Apocalypto drama with some good old fashion kinsman banter like in Braveheart.

If Mel does take the gig. How many executives at WB would be able to tell him what direction to take and would he take any of their advice on how he should make the movie.

Answer: None. They would leave it up to Mel and the Director -- total trust in them and as you know Mel won the Oscar for Best Director. BTW, Mel is longtime Warner Family, his Icon Prods have been on the lot for years. The Studio even tried to help restart Mel's career by strongly suggesting he be put in a Cameo role in Hangover 2, but ( and this is when he was still in the doghouse) the cast cast him out. Now he's back in decent graces again with his Oscar nominated Hacksaw Ridge.
If they wanted him to direct SS 2 they should have caught him before his Hacksaw Ridge comeback. Maybe he would have been willing to shoot a studio tent pole just to get a foot back in the door and jumpstart a career revival. Now he is the recipient of another best director nomination and can boast that his film was also nominated for best picture...why exactly would someone whose entire directing career has consisted of deeply personal, non-commercial "artistic" faire feel the need to direct a Super-Hero SEQUEL no less???? Anyone who is hoping for this should begin the process of adjusting their expectations now.
If they wanted him to direct SS 2 they should have caught him before his Hacksaw Ridge comeback. Maybe he would have been willing to shoot a studio tent pole just to get a foot back in the door and jumpstart a career revival. Now he is the recipient of another best director nomination and can boast that his film was also nominated for best picture...why exactly would someone whose entire directing career has consisted of deeply personal, non-commercial "artistic" faire feel the need to direct a Super-Hero SEQUEL no less???? Anyone who is hoping for this should begin the process of adjusting their expectations now.

Yeah i like Mels work but yeah i dont see this happening. Also, didnt he say he hates cb movies??

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Mel Gibson..Certainly didn't see that coming! I assumed his career was dead after he revealed himself as a despicable anti-semite. He hates comic book movies and trash talked BvS, surely WB isn't this desperate.
Mel Gibson..Certainly didn't see that coming! I assumed his career was dead after he revealed himself as a despicable anti-semite. He hates comic book movies and trash talked BvS, surely WB isn't this desperate.

Desperate? Why is wanting Gibson desperate? I actually see it as quite a shrewd move - if genuine.
Gibson was misquoted saying he hated superhero movies – he just said real heroes don't wear spandex and that he wasn't a big fan of green-screen movies... so cleverly WB are say "OK then, you show us how it's done", and with SS being a rag-tag bunch of villains, it's technically not "superheroes" is it?

Also, regardless of what he's like personally, you can't deny the guy has directed some great films... Apocolypto was fantastic... but this could all be moot, as he's not got the job yet!
Desperate? Why is wanting Gibson desperate? I actually see it as quite a shrewd move - if genuine.
Gibson was misquoted saying he hated superhero movies – he just said real heroes don't wear spandex and that he wasn't a big fan of green-screen movies... so cleverly WB are say "OK then, you show us how it's done", and with SS being a rag-tag bunch of villains, it's technically not "superheroes" is it?

Also, regardless of what he's like personally, you can't deny the guy has directed some great films... Apocolypto was fantastic... but this could all be moot, as he's not got the job yet!

He's a talented actor and director sure. I just don't think major companies like WB and DC should associate with bigots.
Desperate? Why is wanting Gibson desperate? I actually see it as quite a shrewd move - if genuine.
Gibson was misquoted saying he hated superhero movies – he just said real heroes don't wear spandex and that he wasn't a big fan of green-screen movies... so cleverly WB are say "OK then, you show us how it's done", and with SS being a rag-tag bunch of villains, it's technically not "superheroes" is it?

Also, regardless of what he's like personally, you can't deny the guy has directed some great films... Apocolypto was fantastic... but this could all be moot, as he's not got the job yet!

Very good point. We shall see. In a perfect world we would just wait for the actors / studios to just come out and confirm. Rumors are a mofo lol

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Is anyone planning to display this with the rebreather in? Could look good wearing it when stood next to Harley especially if you already have the BvS version for a more natural Batman pose.
Is anyone planning to display this with the rebreather in? Could look good wearing it when stood next to Harley especially if you already have the BvS version for a more natural Batman pose.

I am. What I have in mind is a museum pose of him standing on a wide enough stance, both palms open, head slightly turned down with the eyes that are looking a tad up then the rebreather. His cape billowing to add the dynamism in contrast to the static body (like how Kurosawa adds moving objects in scenes where the people are static/quiet).

I think that would make a mean Batman :)
I am. What I have in mind is a museum pose of him standing on a wide enough stance, both palms open, head slightly turned down with the eyes that are looking a tad up then the rebreather. His cape billowing to add the dynamism in contrast to the static body (like how Kurosawa adds moving objects in scenes where the people are static/quiet).

I think that would make a mean Batman :)

Sounds awesome indeed :hi5:
I'll be there opening day to see Mel's Squad movie, or anything else. But man, If they're talking to him, I wish they'd discuss taking on The Batman. Hell, give him a true Dark Knight Returns Adaptation to direct and star in. He certainly looks the part imo
