Hot Toys MMS429 - Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker

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Agreed. My collecting habit really isn't an addiction, though it probably was in the past. Now it's a fun hobby, and I can quit whenever I want to!

I have 8 detolfs I still have empty shelves some of my shelves have customs if I did not have them they would all still be half empty. so I know I cut back that`s why I have empty shelves as I did not want to get dragged down the money pit with all these poor excuse for star wars movies ( except rogue One) I really enjoyed that one) but like TFA TLJ and now this new movie solo a star wars story.
Yeah, my collection is about 85% stuff from my childhood. Exceptions being some of the new Marvel and DC HT dolls, which I really only buy because they also remind me of my childhood. Even when new movies are really good, like Fury Road and the new Blade Runner, I generally hold back on buying collectibles from them. I do have VTS's Max, but if they ever did a Road Warrior version, I would replace this guy in a second.
My focus lately has been on building a sense of completion to my collection, figuring out what pieces I could want from a given license to feel that it's represented to my liking. That's not to say if I see something new, I wouldn't give it consideration, but there are areas where I've hoped for certain pieces to come or be able to buy them and I'm trying to fill those remaining voids. For example, I just got DX15 Jack Sparrow yesterday and that was the final piece to giving my Pirates collection a sense of completion, I feel no NEED to get anything else for it. My Hulk collection is basically complete, my Batman collection is complete, my Terminator collection is complete, it's a great feeling to look at your collections and feel that they look whole.

Star Wars is resting on Jedi Luke, Jedi Vader and the Emperor, though I am pursuing the HT ROTS Obi-Wan as my favorite look of my other favorite hero, Jedi Luke being the other and only having a 90s Hasbro version, I definitely want this upgrade and I'm not paying after market prices for the Sideshow version.
is the D ring on this hot luke jedi saber on the accurate side.

Some more pics. I'm digging the sculpt. Still trying to find a pose I like though, and I need to futz the outfit a bit better, but this is the look I like the most.

Seeing more pics of this again after a few days, makes me realise the sculpt is pretty damn good. I like it.

I'll be glad to get mine !
The pics are making me impatient and tempting me with my finger on the button to get it early on eBay.
Yeah, I've found that the fear of letting things go generally outweighs the reality of it. I've sold a lot of things I used to cherish without looking back. Very little in my collection is essential. But it makes me happy having these things around.

I’ve found selling a few items every so often keeps things in perspective. These are awesome pieces but at the end of the day, they are simply figures, not very important.

I’ve also found that the characters that I’m iffy on when I initially purchase, often don’t stay in my collection long term.

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The more I think about it, the more I'm leaning towards cancelling and pre ordering something else I want. This was my most wanted version of Luke because I love the Jedi, but at this point, after seeing the puffy chest in so many photos, this is all I can see:
