Hot Toys MMS429 - Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker

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Hi there.
This figure's heasculpt is a good example of Hot Toys' strong command on head sculpting. Its quality is up there, but that also brings some problems with it, as with such good quality, even small differences wrt the subject matter become very noticeable. As a result, I have never been completely satisfied with the head sculpt, even when only considering the marketing stuff, the prototype.

Because of this, I am trying to see if I am able to put my finger on exactly the issues that throw the likeness that bit off. I have come to 2 conclusions:

1) Hair way too big: just compare this

and this

Quite obvious right? The hair goes way too up wrt the scalp. A bit goofy. Similar to HT ANH Chewbacca having such a huge forehead.
There is also the color, which is too dark. For instance, look at this:

But this issue only accounts for the hair not being quite right, a slight lack of realism, and it has nothing to do with the likeness.

2) Here is what I think is the likeness problem: mouth is nailed, overall shape of the face seems ok (unlike Bespin Luke, who had too wide mandibles), eyes are kind of right (unlike in ANH Luke, too small)... It has to be the eyebrows. Again, if you compare this:

and this

You'll see the strong difference between the real thing (more or less 180º arc) and Hot Toys (sort of Spock-like, rising too much to the sides).

My take is that, as with many other main SW characters, we are still to see the just-right Luke sculpt.
Leia is an exception, it was spot-on, being its only, but important issue, its lack of expression.

What do you guys think?


I think this is a figure you simply shouldn’t purchase then.
CGI destroys all. There are no more love and passion in making new movies. Just compare OT and PT SW. How you can compare OT Yoda and CGI Yoda?
Absolutely disagree. While I see what you're getting at in regards to too much CG, you can't possibly look at Caesar, Gollum, Groot, Rocket, heck even TFA Maz - you can't look at any of those and say that there isn't love or passion in making those. Sure they're not rubber molds and puppet work, but it's still a full team that realized a character from nothing, including actors and actresses who have to embody these through mocap. Just because the medium has changed doesn't mean the passion has.
I don't know... Too much mysticism with the whole in-hand business...
I have already seen many figures in-hand, and the impression was quite-to-slightly duller than the marketing stuff. If I already have (measurable) problems with the proto, try to imagine with the production run... Again: I am not saying the sculpt is baaaaaad. I am just saying it has flaaaaaws (and try to put my finger on them).

:exactly: that’s a little too OC for judging something he hasn’t seen in person. When I got Luke in hand , it put all the speculations at ease. :lecture

Here you are baby!

You can now answer!

Can someone summarize this post for me so i dont have to scroll all the way though it? Thanks.

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And proud of it baby.
Not much of a conformist myself. Unlike you, that is.

A most impressive level of nitpicking and complaining.

Proto looked already sedated.
That's why your harem looks as if they were on drugs. :)

The marketing pics of the prototype are misleading because often the prototype and the production version are not the same thing either differing in sculpt or more recently pain app.

The Hoth Leia prototype marketing photos looked like a movie still - the doll on my shelf looks like her sedated out half sister. But i still bought 2.

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"nano tech to suggest subtle muscular contraction’s"


I’m not sure the likeness will improve much more with these sculpts until newer technologies come about that create a physical/virtual presentation.

The craft of creating lifelike features and expressions is limited by the inanimate materials in use. If you want it to look more human then the synthetic soft materials combined with nano tech to suggest subtle muscular contraction’s is the only thing that will take these further. Or if some virtual overlay can be achieved to suggest likeness.

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Do you really think that the too-thick-hair problem, and the Spock-eyebrow problem are real issues that will go away just by looking at the plastic?

you cant go by photo`s all the time. every one`s photos change the way a figure looks constantly. photos don't do these figures justice until you have them in hand. unless you have your own camera studio to take awesome photos unlike these cell phones that take crappy pictures like mine. :)

Why is that a problem?
So you don't have to take up 3/4 of a page just posting replies like "hahahahaha m." to each different person you quote.

Because I am poking fun on the fun-pokers, I need missiles to be separate, purposefully addressed at the fun-poker at hand.
Though I sympathize with your point, you can't do what I am doing effectively enough if you put everything in one message, as fun poking gets somewhat diluted, in my opinion.
Once I am done poking fun on the fun-pokers, things will go back to normal.
I guess.

Because you can do the same thing in one post, and not create clutter. Easier for you, easier for everyone else. Work smarter, not harder.


Makes you wonder how some individuals are even able to afford these in the first place, with they display that kind of infantile, basement dwelling-esque behavior on toy forums. :lol

Hummmm... Australian....

It is amazing just how much hatred criticism arouses around here. Even the empirical kind. Do you all own HT stock??

Sorry. I will keep criticizing. I want to see perfection in products, since manufacturers are so perfect at raising prices (and yes, we have come a long way from $64 in 2004 to $250 in 2018, and climbing).



Not being a smart aleck, but I think you really are being far too critical of a display piece/toy. If you have to work that hard to dislike it, just don't buy it. As others have said, most likely we will never see perfection in these figures, so it's just nice to enjoy them for what they are, which I think are pretty amazing.

If these make you question likeness, you can always go peek at the original Kenner 3 inch ROTJ Luke from circa 83/84. Sort of telling how far we've come.
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Assguardianboy... the guy who asks people to summarize threads for him so he doesn’t have to read and then flares up like the Fourth of July when people politely ask him questions or criticize him... then he goes under the radar for a few months before repeating the whole cycle again.

Don’t feed the troll folks. :wave
Assguardianboy... the guy who asks people to summarize threads for him so he doesn’t have to read and then flares up like the Fourth of July when people politely ask him questions or criticize him... then he goes under the radar for a few months before repeating the whole cycle again.

Don’t feed the troll folks. :wave

Makes you wonder how some individuals are even able to afford these in the first place, with they display that kind of infantile, basement dwelling-esque behavior on toy forums. :lol
No it's cool, we get it. I wouldn't want to blow all of my allowance money that I've saved up the last few months on something I know I won't like, either.
I agree with DioramaMaker (and I hope my agreeing with somebody here will be taken as a precedent, for I intend to keep disagreeing with all the inquisitors in this room).

In spite of Plinkett's reviews, I don't think CGI was THE problem with the Prequels. Toy Story, and all Pixar flicks for that matter, are surrealistic as hell, yet they entertain and move as any other. Nobody complains about too much CGI in Shrek.

Problem was Lucas. His approach and attitude, totally unchallenged. His boredom. Very deep inside, his hatred and contempt for the work of his life.
In spite of that, they managed to create good-looking characters and props. Now, more than a decade of loathing later, I buy PT figures, just for their looks, and deprived of anything else.


Absolutely disagree. While I see what you're getting at in regards to too much CG, you can't possibly look at Caesar, Gollum, Groot, Rocket, heck even TFA Maz - you can't look at any of those and say that there isn't love or passion in making those. Sure they're not rubber molds and puppet work, but it's still a full team that realized a character from nothing, including actors and actresses who have to embody these through mocap. Just because the medium has changed doesn't mean the passion has.


You'll never be happy with this hobby. Get out now.


No it's cool, we get it. I wouldn't want to blow all of my allowance money that I've saved up the last few months on something I know I won't like, either.
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And proud of it baby.
Not much of a conformist myself. Unlike you, that is.

Because I am poking fun on the fun-pokers, I need missiles to be separate, purposefully addressed at the fun-poker at hand.
Though I sympathize with your point, you can't do what I am doing effectively enough if you put everything in one message, as fun poking gets somewhat diluted, in my opinion.
Once I am done poking fun on the fun-pokers, things will go back to normal.
I guess.

Well, after all that, obviously another random walk in to be ignored.

BTW this is how you post a .gif


and a picture

Screen Shot 2018-06-16 at 23.40.34.jpg
Makes you wonder how some individuals are even able to afford these in the first place, with they display that kind of infantile, basement dwelling-esque behavior on toy forums. :lol

He was banned for having a crybaby meltdown. Shame it wasn’t permanent. :duff:
I'm so lost what's happening here. Someone posts a dissertation on why they don't like the figure. The past sentence in the post is "so what do you guys think?"

Most people think the author is being hyper-critical of what amounts to nothing more than a (very expensive) toy and advise he/she probably shouldn't buy it, seeing that many issues, yet author is mad and insulting at folks giving out the opinion that was asked for.
You'll never be happy with this hobby. Get out now.

^ Pretty much nailed it perfectly.

Especially the reaction to insult each and every person who responded to the request on your opinion. At least I guess it's an attempt to insult. Posting jpegs and memes are just a waste of time when one has nothing tangible to say. Folks read your scientific study on why not to enjoy the Luke ROTJ figure and found it comically critical. So again, yeah, just don't buy it and be happy. Most of us will buy it and will enjoy it.