It's easier not seeing him.
He only posts questions about figures he claims to have ordered(But doesn't ever post pics of), or critiques figures that he doesn't like(And then disapproves of anyone who disagrees with his dissertation-length critiques).
Better to ignore him.
This guy is an idiot
But you still know he's there, and his ignored posts still take up the entire page. Might as well read them and get a free comedy show.
But you still know he's there, and his ignored posts still take up the entire page. Might as well read them and get a free comedy show.
Actually on second thought, I think I'll go with this door regarding assburgboy as well. Reading his posts in itself is enough to make you lose a few IQ points.
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Haha. Yeah, either way is best is to simply ignore which the ignore function helps with.
But back on topic. Have many people (other than the originals a few pages back) also removed the fat suit ? In hand he doesn't look as bad as I expected. However haven't had time to really assess if I will remove part of the fat suit or not.
I also wonder how long it'll take HT to revisit ESB Luke. I have a feeling we'll see Han and Lando first to ride the albeit small wave of Solo. Then perhaps after them they could do another Luke.
There's obviously a couple of options for ESB if you also include Snowspeeder Luke. One with a different modern & not too specific headsculpt would definitely be welcome by me.
I don't insult unless insulted first.
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Has everyone received emails from sideshow on it ? I ordered Day 1 and I haven’t yet
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