Freaked Out
Care to share where did you find the figure for that price?
I simply cannot fathom that anyone - especially old SW fans - would not be over the moon in excitement with the fact that THE Mark Hamill returned as Luke like this... what did it matter that his face might be a tad off!? ...what in the hell does it take for people to get excited these days!!!!?? god this kind of reaction is boring AF ...just sayin.
Glad people got their wish fulfilment Luke hallway scene. I'm contempt with both this and TLJ Luke.
Having MH play Luke in this scene doesn?t mean that we won?t see Luke played by another actor - in another series or movie - later on. Not at all. But we?ll see... What I don?t get is how anyone can have their focus on nit picking negatives at this moment in time. I just don?t get the lack of excitement.
I do understand your sentiment. This show has already been overly fan-servicey enough, so throwing in Luke as well (with some "badass hallway scene" straight out of a videogame) definitely starts to veer towards overkill a bit.
But at the same time, once they introduced Baby Yoda with his Force powers, it seemed inevitable that it would eventually lead towards an appearance by Luke, since he's about the only Jedi left in the galaxy. So I can kind of forgive it here. And I don't really see the Skywalkers factoring in that heavily in future seasons.
Freudian slip or purely accidental?
To be clear, it isn't MH playing Luke in the scene. This was done like RO Tarkin/Leia - another actor (from the Planet of the Apes movies in this case) with a CGI head, not done, for example, the way they did "The Irishman" de-ageing with DeNiro where DeNiro himself played the scene and they then altered his face and tweaked his physique.
Had they done that with Hamill it would have made this all the more special, but my guess is that type of CGI is more complex and expensive and Mando is always seeming to take the lower-budget route whenever they can.
I get it's a very physical scene but Hamill always appears in pretty great physical shape these days, even if he probably would have had to train a little and lose a bit of weight.
Yeah, Mando runs that fine line between "the only great new SW is the stuff that sticks closely to the OT timeline/storyworld" and shameless fan service. I mean who would have thought last year that Mando would end with baby Yoda (already a very fan-servicey creation) in ROTJ Luke Skywalker's hands and Boba Fett literally sitting on Jabba's throne?
I thought we were heading into original story even if we had Jawas, Dewbacks etc along the way. While part of me loves it for sure, I do feel like the show may have jumped the shark with Luke and Boba (like do we care as much about Manod himself when the "OG Mando" Boba is back?) but who knows.
Yeah, Mando runs that fine line between "the only great new SW is the stuff that sticks closely to the OT timeline/storyworld" and shameless fan service. I mean who would have thought last year that Mando would end with baby Yoda (already a very fan-servicey creation) in ROTJ Luke Skywalker's hands and Boba Fett literally sitting on Jabba's throne?
I thought we were heading into original story even if we had Jawas, Dewbacks etc along the way. While part of me loves it for sure, I do feel like the show may have jumped the shark with Luke and Boba (like do we care as much about Manod himself when the "OG Mando" Boba is back?) but who knows.
They managed to wrap up "The Child" storyline in just two seasons and in a powerful and satisfying way. There is plenty of time to move forward with non-Jedi / non-Empire stories but the "Baby Yoda" story got the ending that it deserved. But with the reveal of the name of Admiral Thrawn, the Empire won't be going away and personally, I think that's a good thing.
The Grogu/Mando story definitely feels wrapped up. The biggest problem is that they wrote themselves into a corner with Grogu being 50 years old and barely a toddler. They can't do a 5-10 year time jump and have any significant development of the Grogu character because of how the species ages. 5-10 years of his life would be like 2-4 weeks of a human toddler. Sure, he will have developed, but there won't be a significant change from the last time you saw him.
Freudian slip or purely accidental?
To be clear, it isn't MH playing Luke in the scene. This was done like RO Tarkin/Leia - another actor (from the Planet of the Apes movies in this case) with a CGI head, not done, for example, the way they did "The Irishman" de-ageing with DeNiro where DeNiro himself played the scene and they then altered his face and tweaked his physique.
Had they done that with Hamill it would have made this all the more special, but my guess is that type of CGI is more complex and expensive and Mando is always seeming to take the lower-budget route whenever they can.
I get it's a very physical scene but Hamill always appears in pretty great physical shape these days, even if he probably would have had to train a little and lose a bit of weight.
Yeah, Mando runs that fine line between "the only great new SW is the stuff that sticks closely to the OT timeline/storyworld" and shameless fan service. I mean who would have thought last year that Mando would end with baby Yoda (already a very fan-servicey creation) in ROTJ Luke Skywalker's hands and Boba Fett literally sitting on Jabba's throne?
I thought we were heading into original story even if we had Jawas, Dewbacks etc along the way. While part of me loves it for sure, I do feel like the show may have jumped the shark with Luke and Boba (like do we care as much about Manod himself when the "OG Mando" Boba is back?) but who knows.
It?s not yet known which exact method they used and what role MH had in it. It?s clear though that there was a body double. But MH is listed in the credits. So that is good enough for me to be ?over the moon excited? about his appearance. Doesn?t really matter how they did it. He was there [emoji1745]
This below was one of the articles I saw (Total Film/GamesRadar)- maybe they haven't confirmed it.Though they used ROTJ footage of him to base the CGI on, it sounds more like MH was really just voiceover (which they also digitally altered to make him sound younger) like his Joker work.
But the fact they used MH's voice - albeit digitally altered - versus a recreation is cool in and of itself.
To me the main thing is that he was involved. How is not that important. But according to Hollywood Reporter it isn?t known how they did it:
KK must have screamed in ecstacy when the "Girl Power" group fought their way into the cruiser's bridge. She then cried in horror as Luke kicked ass and saved the gang.
Maybe time to not let other peoples opinions bother you so much and don't try and tell them what they can and can't enjoy.
To me it seems as if Disney can't bear the thought of making something that doesn't have some link to Skywalkers or has a lightsaber ignite, they even had to shove one into Solo of all things. I love Star Wars, and I love this show but I really thought it was going to be something new, it started as a space western and quickly devolved into yet another Jedi/force weilder filick in an age where the Jedi are all but wiped out.
Star Wars doesn't have to revolve around one ****ing family forever.
Disney cannot bear it? You mean certain fans cannot bear it.
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