Is that a stock body or one from another brand?
Anyone know where I might be able to get a custom padded vest made up like the one he wears in Shadows of the Empire?
I still don't get why his Mandalorian appearance was necessary for anyone to decide they finally need a Jedi Luke in their collection.
If it doesn't need to be exact, I would think some kind of GI Joe vest or tan army vest might work. Here's a basic example.Anyone know where I might be able to get a custom padded vest made up like the one he wears in Shadows of the Empire?
It may not be the same costume on close study, but without an official indication of a Mando specific figure coming, people are going to want the closest thing they can get which is a Return of the Jedi figure.
I'm actually pretty shocked we haven't seen a re-release with just the black vest and cape. It seems like a no-brainer for HT with very little R&D or effort.
I'm actually pretty shocked we haven't seen a re-release with just the black vest and cape. It seems like a no-brainer for HT with very little R&D or effort.
I always wanted a ROTJ Luke before his appearance in the show tho.
What most people doesn?t know is that he?s wearing a prequel type of tunic underneath and not his Jedi Knight attire. So stop inflating the prices as it?s the wrong costume!
I'm definitely in for one if they make Luke for the Mando line. Probably too much to ask but a brand new Hamill sculpt with a closed mouth would be fantastic.A Mandalorian version with updated costume will come. It will have a new Grogu too. I wouldn't be surprised if they simultaneously re-released R2.
Did a rewatch of the scene and can confirm that he's wearing a different costume.