Totally inaccurate...the Freddy Mercury on his shoulders sits wayyy too high.
I need a Vader + Freddy Mercury 2-Pack.
How many think there is a two pack Luke and ROTJ Vader set coming now that HT surprised us with the Vader/Tarkin set
Remember Luke is not releasing until next year
I could see an Emperor/Vader combo pack more than a Luke/Vader pack. Or possibly, as someone mentioned in another thread, an Emperor/Vader/Luke combo pack?
However, there generally has to be something EX that's included in the combo pack that you can't get by itself. For instance, SS Captain America/Steve Rogers (Steve Rogers being the EX item). Tarkin/Vader (the R1 and ANH kitbash Vader being the EX item). TFA Han/Chewie (snow base being the EX item).
I see RotJ Vader and Emperor both being sold as separate available figures, so perhaps the throne will be the EX item in the combo pack?![]()
I see your point except the Tarkin set isn't an exclusive
And I think the TFA snowtroopers just included a couple normal blasters as the exclusive.
TFA snowtroopers had the extra large blasters rather than normal I think...
I think that's what the singles came with already but can't remember now.
Any other two packs for Star Wars?
Yeah almost every 2-pack has something -- almost.
ANH Stormies (short trooper, mouse droid) plus EX gun rack too
TFA Finn (riot trooper)
TFA Commander (short trooper)
RO Jedha Stormtroopers (black pauldron and weathered regular stormie)
Snowtroopers (rifle blaster)
Only one I can think of that's got absolutely nothing is the TFA Heavy Gunner set. And I think the TFA snowtroopers just included a couple normal blasters as the exclusive.
All good examples also.
Did the pack of ANH Han and Chewie come with anything EX? Not that I can think of.
They came with the Trooper belt, E-11 and headsets I think?
As I recall, the Stormtrooper blaster and belt were exclusive to Han, Chewie had no EX, and the EX to the 2-pack was the long rifle.
Yeah the two pack was the best of both worlds, basically included a EX Han and then also had that rifle. Best way to do the two-pack. Honestly I find the single-figure exclusives annoying, seems like it would cost more to make two-different package styles and do the tooling for the item but only make a few of them. I guess it feeds the collector mentality though.
I have both, and once posed them that way [emoji38]I need a Vader + Freddy Mercury 2-Pack.
I thought JAWS was never his scene and he didn't like Star Wars...!?