Freaked Out
Anyone know when this goes up for PO?
Really hoping they actually display the full set at SDCC -- Vader, Emperor in chair and Luke... and Royal Guard.
Can't imagine they'd give away their Vader and Palps like this without intending to reveal those fairly quickly too.
Those teeth!... ugh... those teeth ruined wonder woman for me... but this is still super nice. Maybe just paint the teeth black so they're not so noticeable. Otherwise it's a super WIN
I have to agree... it's not a deal breaker, but I'd prefer if his mouth was closed. And I'd certaily love it if they gave us a 2nd head that looked like that.
But I'll still buy it as it is far and away the best looking ROTJ Luke I've seen and usually in-hand the slightly open mount doesn't look as weird as it does in photos.
But Wor-Gar, I think you are right and it will provide HT with another chance at milking this iteration of Luke...
Anyone know when this goes up for PO?
No interest but I like the slightly open mouth expression. However I do think the teeth look a little too prominent in a lot of the shots, which makes it look like he's chewing gum or something. But in other shots where shadows obscure the teeth he looks great.
Annoying that he doesn't come with the Endor Gear. I mean, it's just a poncho and a helmet! And I agree, maybe one or two additional gloved hands would have made it perfect--at least one hand where he's reflecting on his robotic hand standing over a defeated Vader.
I'm surprised no bone came with him. Guess that's one less accessory to stay in the box.
So this looks like its primarily a Jabba's Palace Luke, judging by the hands. Maybe when the release the Endor Luke they'll provide more than just a gloved fist for glove hand options.