Did anyone ever post the list of differences between ESB and ROTJ Vader? I know there's not too many things, mostly chest box and mask differences.
Not the biggest difference if even true, but ppl on the RPF say that the belt on ROTJ is thinner (like Sideshow’s figure) than the ESB belt. Even if that’s true, I think the belt HT has been using visually looks better than the thinner Sideshow one.OK, so a cursory review between HT ESB and HT proto ROTJ shows me that they did make the correct changes to the chest boxes between the two -- which is great!
I really have forgotten all the small mask tweaks between the two, but for the most part Vader's helmet didn't change too much between ESB and ROTJ (not like it did between ANH and ESB).
Ty Matrix69, ANH ver always has the best look for me.
ESB has Vader in Bond Villain style. Smooth and murderous with a dry wit. Ultimately it's the Vader I prefer. I'd place ANH second.
While I'm one of the few who thought Vader's rampage in RO was overdone, even unnecessary -- I did appreciate the way he was portrayed in that film. Dark and threatening but also a smooth villain not above cracking a pun when he Force choked someone. It also felt like a nice, understated fusion of the OT character and PT Anakin with the bacta tank and castle, etc.
10-year old me thought ROTJ was awesome. While it's an integral part of the OT and retains legendary status, it really doesn't hold up for me as an adult relative to the other films. But that's not an uncommon sentiment and to be expected. ESB has the most depth but without ANH, no ESB. As far as the OT is concerned, you take the good with the bad. This is true for all Star Wars media, of course -- but the contrasts seem to grow more pronounced over the years.ANH Vader and ESB Vader are night and day performance wise.
While I agree Empire was another level of depth to the character, I feel Jedi solidified him, from the Endor chat with Luke to the final confrontation.
Maybe everyone who isn’t satisfied with the design of this figure,complain about it loudly at Hot Toys on Facebook . Maybe you can persuade them to make it accurate ,improve it and to everybodies liking.just a thought…