Hot Toys - MMS699 & MMS700 - Return of the Jedi: Darth Vader 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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I didnt mind the 2nd sister story but i would have preferred that in a different show or its own show.

Reva was Third. Second is far superior but unfortunately dead.

But yeah she was okay but all the Inquisitors were ultimately a bit shoehorned in which is a shame because I really like Inquisitors. They'd do better in their own show about hunting Jedi sighting leads.
For figures, quarter scale will always look better. Materials and proportions just look good when done right versus sixth scale despite companies like Hot Toys and Inart getting "close". High quality statues can pull off sixth scale, emphasis on high quality, for example some of the latest digitally sculpted statues from Weta like Isildur, Sauron and Elendil. Look up in hand images of Elendil especially.

That said, Vader mask and helmet can and should be shrunk down to sixth scale no issue for this rotj Vader release, why they didn't is puzzling and a lot of money left on the floor. Like a lot of money.
After only 14 pages this thread is dead? Found on the 2nd page.

There was a time not long ago, before Disney destroyed Star Wars, where this was one of the most wanted figures ever.


I mean 15 pages is a decent amount for a figure that has been up for a week. I do think the OBK Vader looking as good as it does has taken a bit away from this one, along with some major inaccuracies going on with this one. Padme, Padawan Anakin, Mace Windu and General Kenobi are all around the same amount of pages too.

Also a bit less traffic in this forum then before and we've had some people banned over the last year or so lol.
As bad as parts of ROTJ are (they are many, and they are fundamental,) it still had the colossal achievement of beautfully establishing top-10 SW icons Palps and Jabba, awesome meme-ruling creatures like Ackbar, Bib Fortuna and Nien Nunb (not to mention a surprsingly long list of iconic creatures that have entered classic canon - Ree Yees, Squidhead, Klaatu, Amanaman etc,) iconic imperial costumes up there with the best ever (endlessly copied by later SW content) like Biker Scout and Royal Guard, iconic new craft designs like the Imperial Shuttle, speeder bike, Barge/Skiff and the TIE best-in-show, the Interceptor (and A-wings, and B-wings...,) fun/brilliant robot designs like EV-9D9 and 8D8, awesome visual worlds like Jabba's sail barge, Jabba's palace and the Emperor's DS stronghold, truly spectacular ATST action (brilliantly expanded from the cool, fan-fave Hoth battle tease), and a space battle that still ranks as one of the best ever put on film and a chase - the speeder bike chase - that gives the ESB asteroid chase a run for its money.

Just seeing golly-gosh good guy Luke Skywalker now all dressed in badass black (ready to take on Jabba's personal army - alone - then brazenly walking right into Palps/Vader's lair) and feminist icon Prnicess Leia chained in a metal bikini was worth price of admission alone.

Despite Ewoks, a mugging-high HF, an often matronly, pancake make-up and coke-nail CF, a valiant but sometimes out-of-his-acting-depth (and very-over-30 looking) MH, a less-than-stellar Vader outing (both story and suit) plus some truly silly plot mechanations (just try to figure out what the actual "rescuing Han" plan was) and even sillier twists that even the actors delivering them have difficulty keeping a straight face for (say no more...), well over half of ROTJ remains complete wall-to-wall sheer inventive giddy SW goodness on-par with or even at times exceeding the very best of ANH or ESB.
And the Rancor - don't forget about the Rancor!
Rotj gave us McDiarmid as emperor Palpatine. His (crazy) performance made the emperor quintessential Star Wars just like Vader, Luke, Yoda, the force, Han, Leia, Chewie, the driods etc. despite his comparably short screen time in the OT.

From the sequel trilogy the only figure I'd consider buying in my fever dreams is an episode IX Palpatine in those posh sith robes.

Dont forget the Rancor handler!
I’m really looking forward to this one. I have anh and esb already with this and owk Vader on order.

Plus technically temple Vader snd mustafar Vader.

The ot will always be my jam and increasingly the Disney stuff is just fluff.
I was always an expanded universe fan and that is still my go to.

Disney has cracked the fan base and the numbers drop. It’s a shame
I’m really looking forward to this one. I have anh and esb already with this and owk Vader on order.

Plus technically temple Vader snd mustafar Vader.

The ot will always be my jam and increasingly the Disney stuff is just fluff.
I was always an expanded universe fan and that is still my go to.

Disney has cracked the fan base and the numbers drop. It’s a shame
Im my book the Original Trilogy is untouchable, it is undisputable king. The rest, Disney or not, represents just various shades of the Expanded Universe, where some are good, some ok, and some bad.
I mean 15 pages is a decent amount for a figure that has been up for a week. I do think the OBK Vader looking as good as it does has taken a bit away from this one, along with some major inaccuracies going on with this one. Padme, Padawan Anakin, Mace Windu and General Kenobi are all around the same amount of pages too.

Also a bit less traffic in this forum then before and we've had some people banned over the last year or so lol.
Its the prices. They were high 5 years ago and have gotten worse even though it seems hot toys has eased off a bit. When a pretty average figure runs $300 plus, that is more than my last car payment from 8 years ago
Its the prices. They were high 5 years ago and have gotten worse even though it seems hot toys has eased off a bit. When a pretty average figure runs $300 plus, that is more than my last car payment from 8 years ago

That too, I mean unless it is a trooper or a droid, you're paying probably $270+ now and Vader has appeared to settle even more at that $300 range.

Were not at those Marvel prices at least, $300 for barebones Tobey Maguire release.

Idk who this is supposed to be but it ain't Vader...why are his tusk pointing downwards? Might decide to skip on this after all.
I didn't buy the ESB version for several reasons, but 1 definitely being the helmet. The downward tusks is something I can't unsee. But like I've said before, I finally have a reason to display an unmasked Vader. That Shaw head sculpt is killer. I dare to say I think it looks even better than the 1/4 scale.

I've yet to open & display my HT 1/4 scale Vader version of this, but now I no longer have to worry about deliberating on whether to display it with the Shaw head or Vader mask head. At least that conundrum is solved...

And when HT releases the next eventual Vader, unless it's something totally killer to make me want yet another Vader to display, hopefully they fix the helmet and I can just pick up a parted out one for this guy. But, it probably will somehow not be compatible and I'll have buy another Vader... :slap