Please, Alien does NOT exist in the same universe as Predator. Those are just crappy crossovers. Also, you are being very hypocritical. You say you want Hot Toys to focus on something other than Alien, Predator, and Terminator. Meanwhile you dont complain about all of the Superhero bull****. You arent looking at the subject from a general stance, you are looking at the subject from a biased stance. At least Alien, Predator and Terminator are original franchises, which pleases me.
In my opinion alien,predator and terminator are the same universe and share a common fan base. Also the prometheus line fits into the alien universe so it is the same thing. I still like the stuff from them that hot toys produces, I have 3 preds,a tech noir t-800 and the 1/4 scale endoskeleton on pre order. But what is wrong with all "the super hero crap"? If they didn't have the marvel and dc licenses all we'd get is pred,alien and terminator stuff.
I am just anxious to see hot toys stray away from the movie masterpiece line and do something a little different and world of warcraft would be perfect. The only video game line they do that I know of is resident evil. I just want to see the amazing designers of hot toys make figures that look like this is all