Freaked Out
I dont think Hot Toys will abandon it unless they keep realesing dark night stuff but did they abandon the reboot AVP?
I dont think Hot Toys will abandon it unless they keep realesing dark night stuff but did they abandon the reboot AVP?
whats with all the prometheus screen grabs at plastic enemies facebook ?
i hope it means a reveal soon
I was hoping that too. Count down to "Oh no! HT is abandoning this license!" posts in 3, 2, 1....
I really hope they do abandon it. They could be using their talent for much better licenses.
I really hope they do abandon it. They could be using their talent for much better licenses.
Why are you even here if you just are to troll. If you don't like the license, get out!
Sent from my GT-P7510
I really hope they do abandon it. They could be using their talent for much better licenses.
I really hope they do abandon it. They could be using their talent for much better licenses.
They could be using their talent for much better licenses.