Hot Toys: Prometheus - MOVIE SPOILERS!

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We watched the movie last night. I didn't love the movie, but enjoyed it. My biggest gripe is the musical scoring. It was missing the punch that the "Alien" score had.

Visually - pretty stunning stuff.

The Engineer was the coolest design in the movie. Hope HT makes one. With that cool semi-translucent flesh in the face.
They did it because NECA has already shown their sculpts and they want everyone to know they're still in the game and making these.
Announcements cockfight is a purely obvious thing.
The Q was about WHY it's just an update about the "license" and not some kind of... sneak peak at least.
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It made $50 million opening weekend- great, not spectacular- but it is an R rated film. If it does well second and third weekends we have a good chance for a sequel..however long it takes Mr. Scott to do that...:dunno

I loved it- a real thing of beauty. IMO it got very classic Alienisque in the last half hour or so...ramped up at breakneck speed and threat.

I hope HT does it justice with Shaw, Vickers, David and eventually Engineer.:clap
Someone posted about David in spacesuit with an earth hologram. That is excellent idea! Also, David in his green weyland uniform with a urn that can open with the green goo and alien DNA in it would be awesome.. Seriously, Hot Toys will score big if they do an Engineer to scale with 1/6th human figures and do a 1/6th David, but two versions of him. Of course, anyone will buy Vickers, Janek and Shaw.. A huge trilobite and a to scale hammerpede would be awesome
I MIGHT by a Shaw in suit. But Vickers and David are the no-brainers to me for humans.

Actually, now that I think about it they should release Vickers in her duty uniform, David in his space suit, and then release Shaw with an alternate Vickers head and helmet so that you could make either Shaw or Vickers (or both) in their suits.
I think they'll launch the line with either David or the Engineer.

I think Vickers will be the other figure if there's a 3rd.

As much as Shaw was the pivotal character in the movie, I just don't see them making her.
Wouldnt it be great if they went back and Redid Dallas and Kane with cloth outfits and not plastic.
Yes! I without a doubt want Dallas in his Nostromo uniform with headset and flamethrower. Facehugged Kane in his fight underwear. Parker in his end scene Nostromo outfit with flamethrower and bloody t-shirt. and Ash! two version - normal and battle damaged. Hopefully with the success of Prometheus and Prometheus merchandise and the fact NECA is doing the marines with the actors likenesses (Michael Biehn and an unamed actor/marine) it will encourage Hot TOys to follow suit and realize there is not only a huge but growing fanbase for the Alien universe and delivering real movie accurate figures that have not been done before will be killer sales items. Especially since many of the standard moviegoer is going back and watching the first two Aliens to understand Prometheus a bit more. I hope hot toys and neca is reading this because after they hopefully do all the marines and an up to scale alien queen and want them to tackle the human characters in Alien.. but as for now bring on my boy Hicks.. multiple versions please! 1.) hive scene with shotgun, 2.) headset and pulse rifle 3.) acid spray hicks
1. David

2. Vickers

3. Engineer(w/suit)

4. Shaw(w/surgery scar)


Damn the Captain was a lucky man!!!
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The Engineer is a must buy. I like JonWes's idea of both Shaw and Vickers heads coming together with the same suit. I'll probably pick up David too.

Proto-Xeno, the mutant guy and Crispy Holloway would also be nice
As much as Shaw was the pivotal character in the movie, I just don't see them making her.

But not making her character would completely disrespect the film. She is the hero.

In fact I am disturbed that some people here watch the film and seem to dismiss her in favour of a clearly secondary character like Vickers. Sure Théron is prettier and she has the violent scene with the flame thrower, but again elevating that above Shaw's heroics seems pretty messed up.

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